Press Releases

El Programa Portafolio de Resiliencia Regional, de la Administración NCORR, en asociación con tres Concejos de Gobierno, solicita comentarios públicos respecto al texto preliminar de las Evaluaciones Regionales de Vulnerabilidad por Cambio Climático y Peligros Naturales, las cuales guiarán los planes de desarrollo de resiliencia comunitaria.
The N.C. Office of Recovery Resiliency (NCORR) Regional Resilience Portfolio Program, in partnership with three councils of governments, is requesting public feedback on draft regional Climate Change and Natural Hazards Vulnerability Assessments, which will guide plans for building community resilience.
Una infractora de la ley, participante en la iniciativa de Extensión de Límites de Confinamiento y, quien se había fugado de su unidad de alojamiento aprobada, localizada en Asheville, ha sido detenida.

An offender participating in Extending the Limits of Confinement (ELC) who absconded from her approved residence in Asheville last year has been apprehended.

Alexander Correctional Institution offender Lanson Paul Stalf (#1463442) has died after an apparent suicide.
The city of Goldsboro recently signed an agreement to participate in a community floodprint process, funded by the N.C. Office of Recovery and Resiliency (NCORR) and led by the N.C. State Coastal Dynamics Design Lab (CDDL).
La ciudad de Goldsboro recientemente firmó un acuerdo de participación en un proceso comunitario de enfoque en huellas de inundaciones, financiado por la Administración NCORR y dirigido por el Laboratorio de Diseño CDDL.
The Division of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention has named Tyshanda Brown the new director of Pitt Regional Juvenile Detention Center in Greenville. A native of Beaufort County, Brown began her new duties on Sept. 12 after her promotion from facility supervisor. 
An offender housed at Central Prison was pronounced deceased this morning after being assaulted with a weapon by several other offenders.
The N.C. Office of Recovery and Resiliency (NCORR) Public Housing Restoration Fund has awarded $14.5 million to four state public housing agencies for projects that will help meet critical public housing needs in eastern North Carolina.