Central Engineering

Pipes carrying fluidsThe Department of Public Safety Central Engineering section is the department's capital program manager and manager of physical plant operations. This physical plant operation encompasses more than 12 million square feet of building space and more than 18,000 acres. A full range of architectural, engineering and construction services are available to all departmental divisions.

Construction services include the extensive use of several hundred supervised inmate laborers, creating opportunity for inmate rehabilitation through job training. These services ensure that the department's physical plant is designed, constructed, operated and maintained in an optimal and safe manner, while satisfying the needs of the end users.

Customer service is our top priority. Our commitment is to provide a level of service unequaled by anyone, either in the public or the private sector. Our goal is to always be this agency's first choice as a technical service provider and construction contractor.

2020 Yonkers Road
4216 Mail Service Center
Raleigh NC 27699-4216
Phone:  (919) 716-3400 
Fax: (919) 716-3978


« this page last modified 09/12/12 »