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Location: Raleigh, Wake County, NC

Oversight: This program receives funding and/or oversight by DPS.

Length of service: 4 to 6 months

Using research based curriculum, community service learning and the experiential learning model, 4-H Spaces will provide small group facilitation and positive adult and child relationships to help youth identify, develop and practice effective decision making and critical thinking skills.

Website URL:

Problem Areas Addressed:

  • Family - child welfare concerns
  • School - school behavior
  • School - performance
  • School - school attachment
  • Community and peers - anti-social influences
  • Aggression - bullying/threatening
  • Aggression - violence (physical aggression)
  • Attitudes - victim awareness
  • Attitudes - attitudes toward authority
  • Skills - self-regulation skills
  • Skills - social skills
  • Family - family relationship quality
  • Family - parenting skills

Minimum Age Served: 11
Maximum Age Served: : 15
Target Gender: : All

After Hours Availability:


Enrollment Requirement: :

  • Referral form
  • Other

Counties Served:


Program Classification:

Individual and Family Life
> Individual and Family Support Services
--> Interpersonal Skill Building

Payment Type:

  • No charge