SVG Administration The Administration Division of the North Carolina Department of Public Safety provides a wide variety of core support functions for the Department’s numerous interrelated services. These core support services include Information Technology, Budget Management, Procurement and Contract Management, Property Management, Administrative Services, Fleet Operations, Victim and Employee Support. SVG Alcohol Law Enforcement The Alcohol Law Enforcement division is the lead enforcement agency for the state’s alcoholic beverage control, lottery and tobacco laws. As such, the 108 ALE special agents target problem ABC-licensed and illegal establishments that serve as havens for violence, drugs, gang activity, organized crime, money laundering and other criminal activity. SVG NC Emergency Management North Carolina Emergency Management works to enhance the state's resiliency by actively collaborating, communicating and coordinating to prevent, mitigate, respond and recover from disasters. The agency deploys state resources when needed, and coordinates with neighboring states and the federal government to augment staffing and resources. NCEM also administers state and federal grants, manages multi-agency response to disasters, oversees all hazards and threat risk management, coordinates regional hazard mitigation plans, facilitates trainings and exercises, and manages assets such as the regional hazmat response and search-and-rescue teams. In addition, the agency develops and maintains flood maps for each county in North Carolina and maintains the official survey database for the state. NCEM also manages the state's Homeland Security program. SVG Homeland Security Guidance for reporting suspicious activity and applying for grants to support local and state government efforts to prevent, respond to and recover from terrorism and other disasters. SVG Division of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention The Division of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention is tasked with the reduction and prevention of juvenile delinquency in North Carolina by effectively intervening, educating and treating youth to strengthen families and increase public safety. The Division strives to provide a seamless, comprehensive juvenile justice system that provides the most effective services to youth and their families at the right time, in the most appropriate settings. For juveniles, the focus is on strengthening families, promoting delinquency prevention, supporting core social institutions, intervening immediately and effectively when delinquent behavior occurs, and identifying and controlling the small group of serious, violent and chronic juvenile offenders in the local communities. The Division provides care, custody and supervision of all juveniles prior to adjudication and following disposition of their case for violating state laws. Juvenile dispositions can include supervision by a juvenile court counselor in the community, short-term commitment at a residential facility or longer-term commitment in a youth development center for serious and/or violent or chronic offenders. Delinquent, non-adjudicated and at-risk juveniles may all receive services from programs in their communities. SVG North Carolina National Guard The North Carolina National Guard is an all volunteer force of nearly 10,000 soldiers and airmen who serve in both federal and state capacities. On order, the North Carolina National Guard deploys military capabilities, in support of state and/or national authorities, in order to protect the lives and properties of fellow citizens, defend the state and nation and secure our American way of life. SVG North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency The NC Office of Recovery and Resiliency administers HUD-funded Community Development Block Grants for Disaster Recovery. SVG State Capitol Police The primary mission of the North Carolina State Capitol Police is to provide a safe and secure environment for public officials, state employees and visitors within the North Carolina State Government Complex and at state-owned properties throughout Wake County. SVG State Highway Patrol The North Carolina State Highway Patrol's primary mission is to reduce collisions and make the highways of North Carolina as safe as possible.