Alcohol Law Enforcement Careers

Alcohol Law Enforcement Special Agents
- Enforce the state's alcoholic beverage control, lottery and tobacco laws.
- Monitor the sale, consumption, distribution and transportation of alcoholic beverages.
- Have statewide jurisdiction and authority to enforce alcohol and drug laws.
- Investigate properties deemed to be a nuisance, such as illegal clubs drug houses and boarding houses.
- Enforce gambling laws and can seize illegal games like slot machines and video poker machines.
- Must complete customized training at the ALE Special Agent Academy.
ALE special agents have statewide territorial jurisdiction with authority to investigate and arrest for any criminal offense. With this broad statutory authority, ALE seeks individuals of the highest caliber of education and experience to enter our application process, attend the ALE Special Agent Academy, and ultimately fill positions as special agents.
Special agents must have detailed knowledge of the laws of arrest, search and seizure, handling of firearms, and use of deadly force. ALE investigations often require lengthy surveillance, undercover operations, in-depth interviews and detailed report writing, and other advanced techniques to collect the evidence necessary for court or administrative hearings.
Applicants should be self-motivated and capable of working both independently and as part of a team. Applicants must also be able to work alone in stressful, demanding environments. For those who meet the qualifications for the position of an ALE special agent, we offer career opportunities in a challenging and rewarding profession with excellent benefits.
For more information, call 919-733-4060 or email.
Applications for ALE special agent trainee positions are accepted on a continuous basis and remain on file from one recruitment time period to the next. Applicants need not reapply between postings.
ALE has high employment standards for its agents, who:
- Must be at least 21 years of age.
- Must possess a bachelor's degree or an associate's degree in addition to two years of sworn law enforcement experience, or four years of sworn law enforcement experience.
- Must have, or be eligible for a valid North Carolina driver's license.
- Must have BLET certification.
- Successfully complete a comprehensive background investigation including contacts with references, employers, co-workers, close personal associates, etc., and review of driving record, credit history, criminal history, and service in the military.
- Successfully complete a pre-employment polygraph, psychological evaluation, medical examination, and urinalysis drug test.
- Successfully complete both pre-screening fitness assessment and the Modified Police Officer Physical Agility Test (POPAT).
- Accept employment under two (2) year probationary status, which includes successful completion of the ALE Special Agent Academy, approximately six months in duration.
- Accept permanent assignment anywhere within North Carolina.
- Accept temporary assignments anywhere or anytime.
- Accept assignments requiring irregular hours; day or night, any day of a week or holidays.
- Accept assignments requiring undercover investigation.
- Accept assignments requiring overnight travel, possibly over extended periods of time.
- Must be willing to carry and use a firearm.
- Must be willing to use deadly force, if warranted, to protect his or her life or the life of someone else. (Must be willing to take a person's life should circumstances dictate.)
Automatic Disqualifiers
- Refusal to submit to a comprehensive background investigation, credit check, submission of fingerprints, pre-employment polygraph, psychological testing and urinalysis drug screening and a pre-employment physical fitness assessment.
- Conviction of a felony or other serious crime.
- Use of marijuana within 36 months from the date of application for employment.
- Use of any other illegal drug, including misuse of prescription drugs.
- Unauthorized use of any illegal drug while employed in a position of public trust (e.g., a sworn law enforcement officer, etc.).
- Providing false or inaccurate information, in writing or orally, during the course of the application process.
- Failure to meet any of the minimum requirements and/or standards for law enforcement officers, as mandated by the N.C. Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission.
- Hiring salary range $53,477 annual salary for sworn officers (stepped progression from beginning agent pay to $78,033 over a period of six years by providing increases of 6.5% per year.)
- Advancement potential through promotional opportunities
- State law enforcement retirement plan
- North Carolina State Employee 401(k) Plan
- North Carolina State Employee insurance coverage
- Sick leave and annual leave
- Workers compensation
- Paid holidays
- Specialized training
- Take home vehicle
- Flexible work schedule
- Shift premium pay
- Military training leave
- Community service leave
- Opportunity for secondary employment
Applicants who are selected to become ALE special agents must also graduate from the ALE Special Agent Academy, a 6 to 8-week residential training program held at the Samaracand Training Academy in Moore County. The ALE Special Agent Academy consists of more than 500 hours of advanced law enforcement courses and techniques including, but not limited to: ABC laws/regulations; drug laws; gambling laws; criminal investigation; interview and interrogation; physical fitness training; officer safety/survival training; firearms; tactical entry; advanced arrest, search, and seizure laws; rural and technical surveillance; ALE policy and procedure; and numerous other topics needed to prepare the trainee to become proficient in the job requirements of an ALE special agent.
Trainees will be required to report to the ALE Special Agent Academy on Sunday evenings and will typically be at liberty on Friday afternoons, with state holidays observed. Training is conducted in a paramilitary fashion, and the successful completion of the academy will require discipline, teamwork, dedication, and maximum effort of the trainee. Trainees should arrive at the academy in top physical and mental condition.
- Initial Physical Screening: Applicants must successfullly complete the Modified Police Officer Physical Agility Test (POPAT).
- Polygraph Examination: Applicants must pass a pre-employment polygraph examination.
- Review Board: Applicants must be interviewed and recommended by the ALE Applicant Review Board.
- Background Investigation: Applicants must satisfactorily pass a thorough background investigation, including a check of State and Federal Bureau of Investigation records.
- Psychological Exam: Applicants must receive a favorable recommendation from a psychological evaluation.
- Physical Exam: Applicants must successfully pass a physical examination and drug screening.
- Acceptance by the Director: Applicants must be accepted by the Director to attend the ALE Special Agent Academy.
- Completion of Training: Applicants must successfully complete the ALE Special Agent Academy and a field training and evaluation program.
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The Alcohol Law Enforcement Division is an Equal Opportunity Employer