The primary mission of Alcohol Law Enforcement (ALE) is to proactively enhance community safety by reducing criminal activity at both licensed and illegal alcohol establishments. ALE Special Agents are committed to preventing alcohol-related harm while upholding the highest standards of professionalism and integrity. Through collaborative partnerships with communities, stakeholders, and law enforcement, ALE strives to create a safer, healthier environment for all.
As peace officers with statewide jurisdiction throughout North Carolina, ALE Special Agents focus on reducing violence and other harms by enforcing laws related to alcohol, drugs, weapons, and other criminal activities. Authorized to take action against any crime of violence or breach of the peace, ALE is the lead enforcement agency for the state’s alcoholic beverage control, gambling, lottery, and tobacco laws, with primary authority over nuisance abatement statutes.
ALE offers a variety of programs that benefit North Carolina citizens. Whether educating alcohol industry permittees and employees through the Be A Responsible Seller program, reducing youth access to age-restricted products, or working to close locations that threaten the overall quality of life for nearby residents, ALE consistently and professionally demonstrates that providing a safe, secure place to live, work, and play is a top priority.
Special agents work closely with local law enforcement agencies to lead enforcement initiatives that enhance safety in North Carolina communities. Building strong partnerships with business owners, their employees, and members of the alcohol industry is a key emphasis for ALE, as we strive daily to create a safe and secure environment for all people living in or visiting our state.
Cops in Shops
Working cooperatively with store owners, Alcohol Law Enforcement special agents pose as clerks or customers in retail businesses to detect criminal violations. During the operation, the undercover agents communicate violations to nearby police officers who stop suspects after they have left the premises.
Sponsored by North Carolina Governor's Highway Safety Program, Cops in Shops has been a valuable tool for almost two decades. Through the combined efforts of ALE, local law enforcement, and retail merchants, ALE has made thousands of arrests during Cops in Shops operations. This program is widely supported by the general public as a resource to help keep their neighborhoods safe.
The North Carolina Alcohol Law Enforcement Division participates in the CALEA Law Enforcement Accreditation process. As part of the process, we provide an opportunity for public feedback via the CALEA Portal.
The purpose of this public portal is to receive comments regarding ALE's compliance with CALEA standards, engagement in the service community, delivery of public safety services, and overall candidacy for accredited status. Information will be considered in context as to its relevancy to compliance with CALEA standards of accreditation. CALEA is not an investigatory body and the public portal should not be used to submit information related to enforcement action or internal investigations.