Topics Related to DPS Dispatch

There are three nuclear power plants in North Carolina, located in Brunswick, Mecklenburg and Wake Counties. Nuclear plants have many safeguards in place, but it is important to know what to do in the unlikely instance that a radiation release emergency occurs.
A letter from Colonel Freddy L. Johnson Jr. on the 95th anniversary of the North Carolina State Highway Patrol.

This Father’s Day, Master Trooper Jason Ratliff and Master Trooper (Ret.) John King Sr. have something extra special to celebrate. On April 19, they each had a son graduate in the 162nd Basic Patrol School—like father, like son. 

Governor's Crime Commission Executive Director Caroline Farmer calls attention to the decline in Victim of Crime Act funding and suggests ways North Carolinians can help ensure our communities continue to support family members, neighbors, coworkers, friends and acquaintances who have been victims of crime.
Some of the key resources that the 24-Hour Watch coordinates are the tactical dispatcher program, which provides dispatchers to large events that backfill local 911 centers, and skilled communications professionals that can set up complex radio systems and troubleshoot and repair issues. The 24-Hour Watch is ready to meet the need statewide, whatever it may be. Outside of communications, the 24-Hour Watch receives requests and dispatches specialized state resources such as the Hazardous Materials Regional Response Teams (NCRRT), the Helo-Aquatic Rescue Team (NCHART), the Urban Search and Rescue Teams and Swift Water Rescue Teams, among others. The 24-Hour Watch is also an approved entity to push Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) messages to the public. 
April is Alcohol Awareness Month, and NC Alcohol Law Enforcement would like to take the opportunity to raise awareness of an important issue they encounter in our state: underage youth purchasing, possessing and consuming alcoholic beverages.
On March 14, at the Bob Barker Retreat along the Cape Fear River, North Carolina Alcohol Law Enforcement graduated its first female K-9 handlers, Special Agents Megan Scherbekow and Blythe Watson. These groundbreaking women have each put in 350 hours of training with their K-9s and have both dreamed of being K-9 handlers since they were children.

A new Division of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention initiative will place tablet computers in the hands of justice-involved youth at all of the state’s youth development and juvenile detention centers, opening a world of new possibilities in the realms of education, behavioral health an

Knowing that disaster sheltering in Warren County was a gap in capability, Director Tucker went in 2021 to the North Carolina Emergency Management Association’s conference and talked to other emergency managers about sheltering to learn all he could as he made his plans
NC Emergency Management employees prepare North Carolinians for disasters in a variety of ways, but today we recognize one team that is essential in natural disasters. Today is National Weatherperson’s Day, so we are spotlighting two meteorologists who comprise the weather reporting team for the department.