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Black Friday kicks off the holiday shopping season and has made a name for itself as the largest shopping day of the year. Many friends and family members shop together and plan for a day of scoring deals upon deals.

Buying and selling online through social media marketplaces is a common occurrence these days. With no physical place for transactions, buyers and sellers must find locations that are safe for both parties to complete the sale.

Summer is the time of year many North Carolinians choose to travel and participate in outdoor activities. Whether you’re visiting the mountains, the coast or somewhere in between, keep these safety tips in mind all summer long.

As the agency’s mission states, the 37,000 employees of the Department of Public Safety work daily to ‘safeguard and preserve the lives and property of North Carolinians through prevention, protection and preparation.’ Yet the efforts of thousands of volunteers helping in various programs across

For Black History Month, the Department of Public Safety is spotlighting employees who have gone above and beyond – either through their job or in their free time – to support COVID-19 safety and healing in their communities.

For Black History Month, the Department of Public Safety is spotlighting employees who have gone above and beyond – either through their job or in their free time – to support COVID-19 safety and healing in their communities.

COVID-19 has brought many changes to our lifestyles, including our work environments. Many workplaces have seen a rise in employees working remotely and using virtual meeting tools.

For Black History Month, the Department of Public Safety is spotlighting employees who have gone above and beyond – either through their job or in their free time – to support COVID-19 safety and healing in their communities.

As we start a new year, the Department of Public Safety offers some quick and easy tips that will help keep you on track to a safe 2021. Whether online, at home or out and about, please stay informed and stay safe.

The year has brought us many changes. One thing that has not changed – protecting our home. Home safety is extremely important especially during the holiday season.