Where to Submit Your Hazard Mitigation Grants
County | Phone Number | Submit Grant To: | CM Email | Emergency Manager | EM Phone Number | EM Email |
Alamance | 336-227-1365 | Hedi York | heidi.york@alamance-nc.com | Christopher Saul | 336-227-1365 | Christopher.Saul@alamancecountync.gov |
Alexander | 828-632-9336 | William Todd Herms | wherms@alexandercountync.gov | David Fox | 828-632-9336 | dmfox@alexandercountync.gov |
Alleghany | 336-372-6220 | Michael Carter | michael.carter@alleghanycounty-nc.gov | Daniel Roten | 336-372-6220 | daniel.roten@alleghanycounty-nc.gov |
Anson | 704-994-3272 | Len Sossaman* | lsossamon@ansoncountync.gov | Rodney Diggs | 704-994-3272 | rdiggs@co.anson.nc.us |
Ashe | 336-846-5521 | Adam Stumb | adam.stumb@ashecountygov.com | Patty Gambill | 336-846-5521 | patty.gambill@ashecountygov.com |
Avery | 252-946-2046 | Phillip Barrier | Phillip.barrier@averycountync.gov | Paul Buchanan | 828-733-8210 | paul.buchanan@averycountync.gov |
Beaufort | 252-946-2046 | Brian Alligood | Brian.Alligood@co.beaufort.nc.us | DC Linton | 252-940-6511 | david.linton@beaufortcountync.gov |
Bertie | 252-794-5302 | Juan Vaughan II | juan.vaughan@bertie.nc.gov | Mitchell Cooper | 252-794-5302 | mitch.cooper@bertie.nc.gov |
Bladen | 910-862-6701 | Charles Peterson | cpeterson@bladenco.org | Joey Coleman | 910-862-6761 | jcoleman@bladenco.org |
Brunswick | 910-253-5383 | Steve Stone | steve.stone@brunswickcountync.gov | David McIntire | 910-253-2569 | david.mcintire@brunswickcountync.gov |
Buncombe | 828-250-6600 | Avril Pinder | Avril.pinder@buncombecounty.org | Ashley Prestwood | 828-747-4959 | Ashley.prestwood@buncombecounty.org |
Burke | 828-764-9321 | Brian Epley | brian.epley@clevelandcounty.com | Michael Willis | 828-764-9321 | michael.willis@burkenc.org |
Cabarrus | 704-920-2143 | Mike Downs | mkdowns@cabarruscounty.us | Jason Burnett | 704-791-3968 | jaburnett@cabarruscounty.us |
Caldwell | 828-757-1300 | Donald Duncan | dduncan@caldwellcountync.org | Vic Misenheimer | 828-757-1419 | vmisenheimer@caldwellcountync.org |
Camden | 252-338-1919 | Erin Burke | eburke@camdencountync.gov | Brian Parnell | 252-335-4444 | parnellb@co.pasquotank.nc.us |
Carteret | 252-222-5841 | Tommy Burns | tommy.burns@carteretcountync.gov | Stephen Rea | 252-222-5841 | stephen.rea@carteretcountync.gov |
Caswell | 336-694-5177 | Scott Meszaros | smeszaros@caswellcountync.gov | Barry Lynch | 336-694-5177 | blynch@caswellcountync.gov |
Catawba | 828-465-8230 | Mary Furtado | MFurtado@catawbacountync.gov | C Jason Williams | 828-465-8989 | jasonw@catawbacountync.gov |
Chatham | 919-542-8200 | Bryan Thompson | bryan.thompson@chathamcountync.gov | Steve Newton | 919-545-8181 | steve.newton@chathamcountync.gov |
Cherokee | 828-837-7352 | Randy Wiggins | randy.wiggins@cherokeecounty-nc.gov | Robin Caldwell | 828-837-7352 ext 875 | robin.caldwell@cherokeecounty-nc.gov |
Chowan | 252-482-444 | Kevin Howard | kevin.howard@chowan.nc.gov | Cordell Palmer | 252-482-4444 | cord.palmer@chowan.nc.gov |
Clay | 828-389-9640 | Debbie Mauney | dmauney@claync.us | Jeff Ledford | 828-389-9640 | jmledford@claync.us |
Cleveland | 980-484-4841 | David Cotton | david.cotton@clevelandcountync.gov | Perry Davis | 980-484-4840 | perry.davis@clevelandcountync.gov |
Columbus | 910-640-6610 | Eddie Madden | emadden@columbusco.org | David Ransom | 910-640-6610 | wdransom@columbusco.org |
Craven | 252-636-6608 | Jason Frederick | jfrederick@cravencountync.gov | Chad Strawn | 252-636-6618 | cstrawn@cravencountync.gov |
Cumberland | 910-678-7723 | Clarence Grier | cgrier@cumberlandcountync.gov | Garry Crumpler | 910-489-6107 | gcrumpler@cumberlandcountync.gov |
Currituck | 252-232-2115 | Rebecca Gay | rebecca.gay@currituckcountync.gov | Mary Beth Newns | 252-232-6013 | Mary.newns@currituckcountync.gov |
Dare | 252-475-5897 | Barton Grover | barton.grover@darenc.gov | Drew Pearson | 252-475-5897 | drew.pearson@darenc.com |
Davidson | 336-242-2270 | Casey Smith | casey.smith@davidsoncountync.gov | Blake Lanning | 336-236-3021 | blake.lanning@davidsoncountync.gov and |
Davie | 336-753-6160 | Brian Barnett | bbarnett@daviecountync.gov | Brian Byrd | 336-753-6160 | bbyrd@daviecountync.gov |
Duplin | 910-296-2160 | Bryan Miller | bryan.miller@duplincountync.com | Matthew Barwick | 910-296-2160 ext 232 | matthew.barwick@duplincountync.com |
Durham | 919-560-0660 | Kimberly Sowell | county_manager@dconc.gov | Mark Lockhart | 919-748-0586 | jlockhart@dconc.gov |
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians | 828-497-1831 | Richard Sneed | richsnee@nc-cherokee.com | Molly Grant | 828-361-4313 | mollgran@nc-cherokee.com |
Edgecombe | 252-641-7816 | Eric Evans | ericevans@edgecombeco.com | Eric Evans(Interim) | antwanbrown@edgecombeco.com | |
Forsyth | 336-917-7070 | Shontell Robinson | robinssa@forsyth.cc | August Vernon | 336-917-7071 | augustv@cityofws.org |
Franklin | 919-496-5005 | Kim Denton | kdenton@franklincountync.us | Nicholas Thorpe | 919-219-7350 | emergencymanagement@franklincountync.us |
Gaston | 704-866-3004 | Mathew Matt Rhoten | matthew.rhoten@gastongov.com | Scott Hunter | 704-862-8932 | scott.hunter@gastongov.com |
Gates | 252-357-5569 | Scott Sauer | ssauer@gatescountync.gov | William Tutwiler | 252-357-5569 | wtutwiler@gatescountync.gov |
Graham | 828-479-7960 | Kim Crisp | kim.crisp@grahamcounty.org | Brian Stevens | 828-479-7967 | Brian.Stevens@grahamcounty.org |
Granville | 919-603-1310 | Drew Cummings | drew.cummings@granvillecounty.org | Jason Reavis | 919-603-1310 | jason.reavis@granvillecounty.org |
Greene | 252-747-3446 | Kyle DeHaven | kyle.dehaven@greenecountync.gov | Brock Kearney | 252-747-2544 | brock.kearney@greenecountync.gov |
Guilford | 336-641-2278 | Michael Halford | mhalford@guilfordcountync.gov | Steven Grose | 336-641-6569 | sgrose@guilford-es.com |
Halifax | 252-583-2088 | Dia Denton | dentond@halifaxnc.com | Buddy Wrenn | 252-308-7617 | wrennb@halifaxnc.com |
Harnett | 910-893-7580 | Brent Trout | btrout@harnett.org | Zach Shean | 910-984-6297 | zshean@harnett.org |
Haywood | 828-456-2391 | Bryant Morehead | Bryant.Morehead@haywoodcountync.gov | Travis Donaldson | 828-356-2789 | travis.donaldson@haywoodcountync.gov |
Henderson | 828-697-4728 | Katie Scheip | hcem@hendersoncountync.gov | James Brissie | 828-697-4728 | hcem@hendersoncountync.gov |
Hertford | 252-358-7861 | Oryan Lowry | oryan.lowry@hertfordcountync.gov | Patrick Dilday | 252-642-7000 | patrick.dilday@hertfordcountync.gov |
Hoke | 910-875-4126 | Letitia Edens | ledens@hokecounty.org | Andrew Jacobs | 910-858-0808 | cjacobs@hokecounty.org |
Hyde | 252.926.4178 | Alex Beddick | abeddick@hydecountync.gov | Nicole Simpson | 252-926-4178 | nsimpson@hydecountync.gov |
Iredell | 704-878-3035 | Beth Mull | beth.mull@co.iredell.nc.us | (3) Kent Greene, Jody Smyre, Todd Marshall | 704-878-3035 | Kent.greene@co.iredell.nc.us; jsmyre@co.iredell.nc.us; Todd.marshall@co.iredell.nc.us |
Jackson | 828-586-7508 | Kevin King | kevinking@jacksonnc.org | Todd Dillard | 828-586-7508 | toddillard@jacksonnc.org |
Johnston | 919-989-5100 | Rick Hester | rick.hester@johnstonnc.com | Sandy Wood | 919-868-3834 | swood@jocoes.com |
Jones | 252-448-1697 | Kyle Smith | Ksmith@Jonescountync.gov | Ryan Mills | 252-448-1697 | rmills@jonescountync.gov |
Lee | 919-718-4670 | Lisa Minter | lminter@leecountync.gov | Matt Britt | 919-718-4670 | mbritt@leecountync.gov |
Lenoir | 252-559-1911 | Michael James | michael.james@lenoircountync.gov | Samuel Kornegay | 252-559-1911 | murry.stroud@lenoircountync.gov; Samuel.koregay@lenoircountync.gov |
Lincoln | 704-736-8660 | Davin Madden | dmadden@lincolncounty.org | Mark Howell | 704-736-1923 | mhowell@lincolncounty.org |
Macon | 828-349-2067 | Derek Roland | droland@maconnc.org | Warren Cabe | 828-349-2558 | wcabe@maconnc.org |
Madison | 828-649-3602 | Rod Honeycutt - Interim | rhoneycutt@madisoncountync.gov | Chelsey Lewis | 828-649-3602 | clewis@madisoncountync.gov |
Martin | 252-789-4300 | James Bennett | manager@martincountyncgov.com | Jody Griffin | 252-789-4312 | jgriffin@martincountyncgov.com |
McDowell | 828-652-3982 | Ashley Wooten | awooten@mcdowellgov.com | William Keller | 828-652-3241 | william.kehler@mcdowellgov.com |
Mecklenburg | 980-721-9361 | Jonathan Beller | Jonathan.Beller@mecknc.gov | Robert Graham | 704-336-2412 | rgraham@ci.charlotte.nc.us |
Mitchell | 828-688-4771 | Allen Cook | manager@mitchellcountync.gov | Kolby Silver | 828-385-0911 | MitchellEM@mitchellcountync.gov |
Montgomery | 910-576-4221 | Frankie Maness | manager@montgomerycountync.com | Robbie Smith | 910-572-7446 | robbie.smith@montgomerycountync.com |
Moore | 910-947-6317 | Wayne Vest | wvest@moorecountync.gov | Scot Brooks | 910-638-3964 | sbrooks@moorecountync.gov |
Nash | 252-459-9805 | Stacie Shatzer | Stacie.shatzer@nashcountync.gov | Brent Fisher | 252-904-3428 | Brent.fisher@nashcountync.gov |
New Hanover | 910-798-6900 | Chris Coudriet | ccoudriet@nhcgov.com | Steven Still | 910-798-6907 | sstill@nhcgov.com |
Northampton | 252-574-0214 | Julian Phillips | county.manager@nhcnc.net | Tony Burnette | 252-574-0214 | tony.burnette@nhcnc.net |
Onslow | 910-347-4270 | Sharon Griffin | Sharon_Griffin@onslowcountync.gov | Norman Bryson | 910-989-3093 | norman_bryson@onslowcountync.gov |
Orange | 919-245-2300 | Travis Myren | tmyren@orangecountync.gov | Kirby Saunders | 919-245-6138 | ksaunders@orangecountync.gov |
Pamlico | 252-745-4131 | Tim Buck | tim.buck@pamlicocounty.org | Chris Murray | 252-671-0184 | emc@pamlicocounty.org |
Pasquotank | 252-335-4444 | Sparty Hammett | hammetts@co.pasquotank.nc.us | Brian Parnell | 252-338-0935 | parnellb@co.pasquotank.nc.us |
Pender | 910-259-1210 | Michael Silverman | msilverman@pendercountync.gov | Tommy Batson | 910-470-4728 | tbatson@pendercountync.gov |
Perquimans | 252-426-5646 | Frank Heath | frankheath@perquimanscountync.gov | Johnathan Nixon | (O)252-426-5646 (C)252-331-9817 | jnixon@perquimanscountync.gov |
Person | 336-597-4262 | Ralph Clark | rclark@personcountync.gov | Thom Schwalenberg | 919-583-8019 | tschwalenberg@personcountync.gov |
Pitt | 252-902-2950 | Janis Gallagher | Janis.gallagher@pittcountync.gov | Randy Gentry | 252-902-3954 | randy.gentry@pittcountync.gov |
Polk | 828-894-6342 | Marche Pittman | mpittman@polknc.org | Bobby Arledge | 828-894-6342 | barledge@polknc.org |
Randolph | 336-318-6911 | Hal Johnson | CountyManager@RandolphCountyNC.gov | Christie McCorquodale | 336-318-6944 | Christie.McCorquodale@randolphcountync.gov |
Richmond | 910-997-8238 | Bryan Land | bryan.land@richmondnc.com | Bob Smith | 910-997-8238 | bob.smith@richmondnc.com |
Robeson | 910-671-3150 | Kellie Blue | kellie.blue@co.robeson.nc.us | Justin Hunt - Interim | 910-734-8942 | justin.hunt@robesoncountync.gov |
Rockingham | 336-634-3000 | Lance Metzler | lmetzler@co.Rockingham.nc.us | Jay Brooks | 336-634-3004 | jbrooks@co.Rockingham.nc.us |
Rowan | 704-216-8918 | Aaron Church | Aaron.Church@rowancountync.gov | Allen Cross | 704-798-3881 | Allen.Cress@rowancountync.gov |
Rutherford | 828-287-6090 | Steve Garrison | Steve.garrison@rutherfordcountync.gov | Frankie Hamrick | 828-287-6090 | Frankie.hamrick@rutherfordcountync.gov |
Sampson | 910-592-7181 | Ed Causey | ecausey@sampsonnc.com | Rick Sauer | 910-592-7181 | rsauer@sampsonnc.com |
Scotland | 910-276-1313 | Kevin Patterson | kpatterson@scotlandcounty.org | Robert Sampson | 910-276-1313 | rsampson@scotlandcounty.org |
Stanly | 704-986-3650 | Andy Lucas | alucas@stanlycountync.gov | Michael Roark | 704-986-3653 | mroark@stanlycountync.gov |
Stokes | 336-593-5409 | Shannon Shaver | sshaver@co.stokes.nc.us | Brandon Gentry | 336-593-5409 | bgentry@co.stokes.nc.us |
Surry | 336-783-9000 | Chris Knopf | knopfc@co.surry.nc.us | Byron Isaacs | 336-783-9000 | isaacsb@co.surry.nc.us |
Swain | 828-488-6021 | Kevin King | K_King@swaincountync.gov | David Breedlove | 828-488-6021 | davidb@swaincountync.gov |
Transylvania | 828-884-3188 | Jamie Laughter | jaime.laughter@transylvaniacounty.org | Kevin Shook | 828-884-3108 ext.2 | kevin.shook@transylvaniacounty.org |
Tyrrell | 252-796-1371 | David L. Clegg | dclegg@tyrrellcounty.net | Jennifer O'Neal | 252-217-2266 | weshopkins@tyrrellcounty.net |
Union | 704-289-1591 | Brian Matthews | brian.matthews@unioncountync.gov | Andrew Ansley | 704-283-3575 | andrew.ansley@unioncountync.gov |
Vance | 252-438-8264 | Renee Perry | crperry@vancecounty.org | Brian Short | 252-438-8264 | bshort@vancecounty.org |
Wake | 919-856-6180 | David Ellis | david.ellis@wakegov.com | Joshua Creighton | 919-856-6485 | joshua.creighton@wakegov.com |
Warren | 252-257-31165 | Crystal Smith | crystalsmith@warrencountync.gov | Karen Solomon | 919-257-1191 | karensolomon@warrencountync.gov |
Washington | 252-793-4114 | Curtis Potter | cpotter@washconc.org | Lance Swindell | 252-799-9738 | EmergencyManager@washconc.org |
Watauga | 828-265-8000 | Deron Geouque | deron.geouque@watgov.org | Will Holt | 828-265-8000 | will.holt@watgov.org |
Wayne | 919-731-1435 | Chip Crumpler | chip.crumpler@waynegov.com | Gary Tillman | 919-223-0081 | gary.tillman@waynegov.com |
Wilkes | 336-651-7305 | John Yates | jyates@wilkescounty.net | Jason Reavis | 336-651-7305 | jreavis@wilkescounty.net |
Wilson | 252-399-2810 | Ron Hunt | rhunt@wilsoncountync.gov | Gordon Deno | 252-399-2830 | gdeno@wilson-co.com |
Yadkin | 336-849-7902 | Lisa Hughes | lhughes@yadkincountync.gov | Keith Vestal | 336-849-7902 | kvestal@yadkincountync.gov |
Yancey | 828-682-1891 | Lynn Austin | Lynn.Austin@yanceycountync.gov | Brandon Price | 828-678-9266 | Brandon.Price@yanceycountync.gov |
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