Topics Related to Alcohol Law Enforcement

The North Carolina Alcohol Law Enforcement Division (ALE) and Chadbourn Police Department have concluded a multi-county investigation in which marijuana, spirituous liquor and numerous controlled substances were s

On Thursday, March 20, 2025, the North Carolina Alcohol Law Enforcement Division (ALE) and Butner Public Safety concluded a joint investigation involving Butner Tobacco and Vape located at 407 Central Avenue, Butne

After prolonged and continuous criminal violations, drug overdose deaths, and community complaints, Rowan County Sheriff Travis Allen requested the services of the Alcohol Law Enforcement Division to assist with a civil

On Saturday, February 15, 2025, the North Carolina Alcohol Law Enforcement Division (ALE) and Lincolnton Police Department concluded a joint investigation involving Dave’s, a tobacco and vape shop located at 627 N.

After prolonged criminal activity at the Tri-City Motel, the Spindale Police Department requested the services of the Alcohol Law Enforcement Division to assist with a civil nuisance abatement action.

On Wednesday, February 5, 2025, the North Carolina Alcohol Law Enforcement Division (ALE), with assistance from the Four Oaks Police Department, executed a search warrant at Tobacco and Vape Four Oaks Convenient St

After prolonged and unabated criminal activity at the Governor’s Inn, the Shelby Police Department solicited support from the North Carolina Alcohol Law Enforcement Division (ALE) to assist with a civil nuisance abateme

After an extensive history of disturbances, a homicide, drug violations, shootings, and numerous calls to the Harnett County Sheriff’s Office, the community surrounding Sundowner Lane in Angier should soon see long awai

On December 13, 2024, Lenoir County Superior Court Judge Imelda J.

North Carolina Alcohol Law Enforcement Division (ALE) has concluded an investigation targeting controlled substance use and distribution at ABC licensed outlets in Carteret and Onslow Counties.