Topics Related to Alcohol Law Enforcement

Following an ALE investigation, a Warrenton bar’s ABC permits have been rejected after shootings, assaults, fights, property damage, disorderly conduct, and numerous calls for service.

Anoche, durante su Conferencia Anual en Pittsburgh, Pensilvania, la Asociación Nacional de Aplicación de Leyes de Control de Bebidas Alcohólicas (NLLEA) galardonó a la Agencia de Aplicación de Leyes de Control de Bebidas Alcohólicas de NC (NC ALE), como Agencia del Año.

Following a crash involving several teens in August, a convenience store clerk and four teens have been criminally charged.  

La noche del jueves, agentes especiales de la agencia de Aplicación de Leyes de Control de Bebidas Alcohólicas se aliaron con fuerzas de la policía local para realizar un operativo estatal que culminó en numerosos arrestos, cargos penales y la incautación de drogas, armas y dinero en efectivo.
Throughout the agency’s eight districts, special agents executed four search warrants, seized six firearms, 78 fraudulent identifications, U.S. currency and various types of illegal controlled substances. Of the 189 arrests and 449 charges, 20 were felony charges, 261 were alcohol-related charges, and 80 were drug-related charges.

After years of disturbances and a long history of drug violations, a recent murder and numerous calls to the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office, this community should soon see long awaited changes.

Following an ALE investigation, a Greensboro nightclub’s ABC permits have been summarily suspended after a patron was shot and killed.  

Two adults have been charged following an ALE investigation into a vehicle crash involving a teen driver.  

Following an ALE investigation, a store clerk has been criminally charged after an alcohol-related collision left three teens hospitalized.