Samarcand Training Academy - Reservation Form

Submitted by kbarber on

Please choose facilities requested from the following dropdowns. Call the Registrars at (910) 466-4467 or (910) 466-4311 prior to submission to ensure dates and facilities are available. This form must be submitted to Samarcand at least five (5) business days before the training event.  If only requesting lodging please skip down to Agency/Individual Accommodations/Lodging. Once submitted, you will receive a copy of your request.

This request form is designed to ensure your agency is afforded the opportunity of using Samarcand Training Academy for your training event. We will make every effort to honor your requested date(s), but we reserve the right to reschedule if necessary. Participants reserving a facility are responsible for the general care of the facility during usage and any equipment located inside the facility. 
* Currently certified Firearms Instructor required. 
** Currently certified Simunitions or Force on Force Instructor required when Simunitions are used. 

Indicates required field

Facilities Request

Provide your agency information below for use of Samarcand Training Academy facilities.
Email must be included in order to receive a copy of submission.
Equipment Requested
Classroom(s) Requested

Select all that apply. Additional time request information will be needed.

12 Lanes
24 Lanes, Turning Targets, DRM Pro
If shooting beyond 100 yards
5 screen
1 screen at range
Main Campus
345 seats on Main Campus
24 seats
30 seats
Office, Cafeteria, Gym, Library and Classrooms
Enter the requested dates and times for Range 1 reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for Range 2 reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for Range 1 and 2 reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for V300 Simulator reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for VST-90 Simulator reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for Tac-House reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for O-Course reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for Burn-Cells reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for Gas-House
 reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for EOD Range reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for Running Track reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for Woodlands or Fields reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for Skeet Range reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for Mock Courtroom reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for Mat Room reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for Gymnasium reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for Auditorium reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for Computer Lab Classroom reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for 24 Seat Classroom reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for 30 Seat Classroom reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for Range Classroom reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for CFSS Front Hallway reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for CFSS Back Hallways and Classrooms reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for CFSS Parking Lots reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for CFSS Athletic Fields reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for CFSS Track reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.
Enter the requested dates and times for CFSS House  reservation. Indicate any special requests as well.

I will make sure the board is cleaned and the room is neat before I leave the classroom.

I will make sure all equipment is in place and nothing has been removed from the classroom.

I will send a copy of the training schedule to Due five (5) working days prior to training event.

I will send proof of required certifications to Current Firearms Instructor is required on the ranges. Current Simunition or Force on Force Instructor is required while shooting non-lethal training rounds.

A. Weapons in Academy Classrooms – Personnel attired in agency issued uniforms or tactical clothing, with duty belts, are permitted to have agency issued firearms on their person while attending training in the Academy classrooms and MUST leave their firearm secured in their holster at all times. Personnel attired in civilian clothing are required to secure their agency issued weapon in their holster at all times. In addition, if the weapon is overtly displayed, personnel are required to display visible indicia (badge on belt/on neck chain) identifying themselves as either a law enforcement officer/agent or DAC/JJ certified Corrections or Probation/Parole officer authorized to carry a firearm.

B. Training Weapons in Classrooms – Only firearms in which the firing pin has been removed and/or the barrel has been blocked (red training guns) or firearms converted with a marking cartridge barrel (simunition blue guns) and so designated, may be used for demonstration in Academy Classrooms. Under no circumstances may a lethal firearm that has not been converted be utilized for demonstrations in Academy classrooms. A waiver of this policy may be requested by an agency on a case by case basis and said waiver may only be granted by the Academy Director or his designee.

I agree and understand that by signing this document that all electronic signatures are the legal equivalent of my manual/handwritten signature and I consent to be legally bound to this agreement.

Agency/Individual Accommodations/Lodging

Dormitory rooms and meals are free for North Carolina public safety students and any instructor serving those students. Federal partners, out of state public safety students, and out of profession students such as educators must pay $50 per night plus a 3% credit card processing fee per night. This fee includes three meals and a dormitory room.
Checkout time is between 7 and 8 a.m. last day of class.
Will commuters be eating lunch on campus?
Please be as accurate as possible, as this information is used to determine how many meals are prepared.

Dormitory Check-In is permitted between the hours of 3 p.m. and 9 p.m., in Academic Building D. Failure to arrive by 9 p.m. will result in the reservation being cancelled. Check-Out on the morning of departure is no later than 8 a.m. and the room keycard will be turned into Admin D at that time. 

Samarcand is a pedestrian friendly facility, parking on campus is permitted in designated parking spaces. Overnight participants are permitted to drive to their dorm and unload/load for 30 minutes and then return their vehicle to their designated parking spaces. (EXCEPTION: Carroll Dormitory located on Leonard Drive does not have parking to unload/load.)