
Tornado Debris

Where debris pick-up is occurring:


Debris Pick-up Deadline is May 2 for Non-federally Declared Storm Counties

In counties that received partial storm damage, the N.C. Department of Transportation will pick up extra branches and vegetative debris until May 2nd.

Along the storm path areas, DOT will continue to pick up storm-related debris. 


Separate Debris

Homeowners, cleaning debris from the April 16 tornadoes, should be sure to separate the debris into two piles at the curb.  One pile should be for construction debris, the other for vegetative debris.

The N.C. Department of Transportation will pick up storm-related debris along state-maintained roads in severely-impacted areas following Saturday's series of tornadoes across the state. NCDOT is working with local emergency management officials to determine collection locations and schedules. The public will be notified when they are finalized.

Keep these items in mind while collecting debris for removal:

  • Check your homeowners insurance as often debris cleanup is covered by insurance and arrangements for its collection will be handled by the insurance company;
  • NCDOT will collect vegetation debris such as trees and limbs, as well as building materials, but they must be separated;
  • Property owners are asked to cut storm-related debris into five- or six-foot pieces, if possible, and place it along the roadway, but out of travel lanes;
  • Major appliances, household hazardous materials such as paint, propane tanks, etc., and other similar materials will not be collected. It is recommended that property owners contact their county emergency management office regarding how to dispose of those items. Furniture will, however, be accepted.


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