Topics Related to Kim Shaw HR Recruiter

NCWorks Career Center-Cumberland County

All potential candidates must have an NCWorks Account.

Please register at prior to event.

HR Recruiter, Kim Shaw will be hosting this online session.

HR Recruiter, Kim Shaw will host this Online Session

Where: Fort Bragg, NC in collaboration with the NCWorks Career Center Cumberland County,

              DVOP Dwight Butler

Recruiter: Kim Shaw will be on hand.

Where: Fort Bragg, NC in collaboration with the NCWorks Career Center Cumberland County

             DVOP Dwight Butler

HR Recruiter, Kim Shaw will be on hand.

Virtual Online Event

Recruiters: Kim Shaw, Prscilla Sutton, Cliff Wilkins & Tanya Elkins

Hosted by: The National Caucus & Center on Black Aging, Inc.

Where: Virtual Online