Dispatch Response to Active Killers (D-RAK)

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Lodging is available at Samarcand at no cost (for NC Officers). If requesting lodging, please fill out and submit this request: 

Samarcand Training Academy - Reservation Form | NC DPS

Day #1 of this 2-day course consists of an in-depth analysis of law enforcement’s response
to the Sandy Hook School Shooting and other recent Active Killer events. This involves a
detailed break-down of the time taken to report, dispatch, and respond to these scenes.
This course teaches Dispatchers the benefit of Scriptwriting, a critical skill necessary for
Shaving Seconds to Save Lives© during an Active Killer event. Dispatchers will be challenged
to use their training, experience and the Lessons Learned that are discussed in class to
develop D-RAK Scripts, which they’ll take back to their own agencies.
Day #2 will build on the teaching points established during Day #1. Dispatchers will perform
scenario-based training repetitions that are monitored, coached, and evaluated using a
progressive (Crawl-Walk-Run) blended-learning, performance model. Dispatchers will be
expected to identify the critical priorities of the first Law Enforcement Officers on scene at
an Active Killer event so that the Dispatchers can provide effective and timely support to
stopping the threat and saving lives. Dispatchers will be reminded to use this course
information in alignment with their existing department policies and procedures. Lastly,
Dispatchers will be presented with post-traumatic stress challenges they may encounter in
the wake of an Active Killer event and some suggestions on how to mitigate these.