IALEFI Master Instructor Development Program

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April 29 - May 1, 2025
Samarcand Training Academy
Jackson Springs NC
Master Instructor Development Program
Certified Law Enforcement Only

IALEFI Member: $695.00
Non Member: $755.00 (includes 1 year membership with IALEFI upon completion of the application).
April 29- May 1, 2025                                         “Certified Law Enforcement Only”

If lodging is needed, please fill out form on link below:


Lodging: NC students are eligible for free lodging/meals at the Academy, others at very reduced rate. North Carolina Officers lodging available by filling out this form: https://www.ncdps.gov/dormitory-reservation-form-individual-0/open and emailing it to the address on the form. Out-of-state officers may contact: Joe Birchett at joseph.birchett@ncdps.gov or Marion Brower at 910.466.4311, marion.brower@ncdps.gov.