The North Carolina Boxing and Combat Sports Commission (NCBCSC) has scheduled a meeting for 19 November 2024 at 11:00AM. The purpose of this meeting is to give promoters the opportunity to express their concerns as related to rules and procedures that affect Combative Sports in North Carolina.
Promoters that wish to give a formal presentation will be allowed up to (12 min) to present to the Commission; afterwards, the Commission may ask follow-up questions. Promoters that do not give a formal presentation but wish to speak will be allowed (3 min) to openly speak on a topic of concern.
The NCBCSC will not make any definitive decisions during this meeting. However, information presented to the Commission will be taken into consideration in any final action(s).
Please forward any presentations to Mrs. Tamara Moore at: tamara.moore@ncdps.gov by 3:00PM, November 14, 2024.
Meeting Link: https://ncdps.webex.com/ncdps/j.php?MTID=m4a94df538377f992aa1902a6e5c5dc62
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