RALEIGH — The Division of Adult Correction has named Jamel James the warden of Central Prison.
James is a 23-year veteran with the N.C. Department of Public Safety. He has served as warden of Franklin Correctional Center since 2021.
“Warden James is a proven leader and a true corrections professional,” said interim Commissioner of Prisons Brandeshawn Harris in announcing the appointment. “He will work to maintain the security of the facility to ensure the safety of staff, offenders and the community at large.”
In his new position, James is responsible for all operations at Central Prison, which is a male, high-security, close-custody facility. It has been in continuous service since 1884.
Central Prison is a complex operation that houses many of the special populations within the prison system: those with acute medical or mental health needs, many of the most violent offenders who require high levels of security, and those housed on Death Row.
A modern hospital opened at the prison in 2011 with operating rooms and a dialysis unit. The prison is also one of the largest mental health facilities in the state with multidisciplinary teams including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses and behavioral specialists providing mental health care.
Warden James began his career as a correctional officer at Wake Correctional Center in 2000. He rose through the ranks at Wake Correctional, to sergeant, lieutenant and in 2017 to assistant superintendent of custody and operations.
He has completed PEAK Performance training and is a recent graduate of the Correctional Leadership Development Program. He is a member of the North American Association of Wardens, the American Correctional Association, the North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NCCASA) and SEANC District 41.
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