Image of Juvenile Justice Five Year Historical Trends Dashboard
Monday, February 10, 2025

Juvenile Justice dashboard highlights statewide, local data trends

Feb 10, 2025

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The North Carolina Division of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention has published a new data dashboard that provides a five-year snapshot of juvenile justice data trends across the state and all 100 counties.

“This new dashboard will be a valuable tool for anyone interested in addressing the issue of juvenile delinquency,” said DJJDP Deputy Secretary William Lassiter. “From decision makers in state and county government, to law enforcement, members of the judiciary and juvenile service providers, we hope that these statistics will help inform data-driven conversations about the services DJJDP provides and the types of services we want to see utilized more in the future.”

Updated quarterly, the Five-Year Historical Trends Dashboard allows users to hone in on data specific to their home county and view comparative statistics regarding the state’s Raise the Age population. The dashboard highlights six key metrics regarding the juvenile justice system:

  • Number of juvenile complaints received
  • The number of juveniles diverted from juvenile court
  • The number of juveniles placed under court-ordered supervision 
  • Juvenile detention center admissions
  • Youth development center commitments
  • The number of juveniles transferred to superior court

For those unfamiliar with the juvenile justice system, the dashboard also contains a legend that explains the meaning of each statistic. An accompanying glossary and tips document offers guidance on how to navigate the dashboard. 

“As our team was designing this dashboard, we wanted to help make these statistics understandable and accessible to the public,” explained DJJDP Director of Analysis, Research and External Affairs Kim Quintus. “In the juvenile justice world, we use different terminology than the adult criminal justice system. The accompanying dashboard legend helps explain some of the common terms we use to discuss juvenile delinquency.”

In addition to the Five-Year Historical Trends Dashboard, more DJJDP publications and data, including the division’s annual report and county databooks, can be found at Additional information regarding school-based offenses can be found via the Division’s School-Justice Partnership Dashboard. A recent collaborative project with Montreat College, as funded through the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM), evaluated teen court programs in North Carolina and discovered the programs reduce recidivism. The results of this study can be found in the division’s Teen Court Evaluation Brief.

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