Press Releases

Governor Roy Cooper signed an Executive Order declaring a State of Emergency ahead of severe weather associated with Tropical Storm Debby.

A Vance County man has been charged twice in as many months for providing alcohol to the same underage 20-year-old female. 

La Administración para la Recuperación y Resiliencia de NC está impulsando la resiliencia comunitaria por todo Carolina del Norte con más de US $171.5 millones dirigidos al compromiso del desarrollo de vivienda asequible en comunidades afectadas por huracanes.
The N.C. Office of Recovery and Resiliency (NCORR) is building community resilience across North Carolina with more than $171.5 million committed to affordable housing development in hurricane-impacted communities.

WHAT:  A meeting of the State Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC), a subcommittee of the State Emergency Response Committee. This will be a hybrid meeting both in person and virtual.