Press Releases

The N.C. Office of Recovery Resiliency (NCORR) Regional Resilience Portfolio Program, in partnership with the Triangle J and Mid-Carolina councils of governments, is requesting public feedback on draft regional Climate Change and Natural Hazards Vulnerability Assessments, which will guide plans for building community resilience.
El Programa Portafolio de Resiliencia Regional, de NCORR, en asociación con los consejos gubernamentales de la zona J del Triángulo y de la región media de Carolina, solicitan comentarios públicos respecto al texto preliminar de las Evaluaciones Regionales de Vulnerabilidad por Cambio Climático y Peligros Naturales, las cuales guiarán los planes de desarrollo de resiliencia comunitaria.

Last week, ALE concluded a long-term illegal drug and alcohol investigation with searches, arrests, and seizures after years of violence and complaints had plagued a Fayetteville neighborhood.

Following a crash involving several teens earlier this month, two Wilkesboro convenience store clerks and a teen have been criminally charged.  

The Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice has named Christopher Nichols as the new warden of the Caldwell Correctional Center in Lenoir.

ALE special agents recently concluded a months-long illegal drug and alcohol investigation which resulted in numerous arrests, charges, and seizures.

After countless years and a long history of disturbances, drug violations and numerous calls to the Waxhaw Police Department, this neighborhood should soon see long awaited changes.

El Comité Asesor Ciudadano estatal, consultar aquí, del Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de EEUU (HUD) para el fondo de Subvención de Mitigación en Bloque para el Desarrollo Comunitario realizará una reunión pública virtual el próximo miércoles 22 de junio.
The state Citizen Advisory Committee for HUD Community Development Block Grant-Mitigation funding will hold a virtual public meeting on Wednesday, June 22.

A Burlington event center is without ABC permits and four employees criminally charged after two patrons were shot inside the business.