Press Releases

RALEIGH – Governor Roy Cooper has declared Dec. 3 - 9 as Winter Weather Preparedness Week and is urging North Carolinians to plan, prepare and be ready for potentially dangerous winter weather in the months ahead.  

Eight new officers with the State Capitol Police were sworn in today in a formal ceremony at the Justice Building in Raleigh.

The North Carolina State Highway Patrol would like to cordially invite you to the 143rd Basic Patrol School graduation on Friday, December 8th at 10 a.m. The graduation ends 15 weeks of extensive academic and physical training.

A new law goes into effect today that helps increase public safety at prisons in North Carolina. As of Dec. 1, it is illegal to fly unmanned aircraft systems, also called drones, 250 feet above and within 500 feet of correctional facilities.

Governor Roy Cooper today announced that Disaster Recovery Centers will open this week to help Caldwell and Wilkes county residents who were affected by storms that struck in late October.

As this year’s Thanksgiving Holiday season came to an end, troopers were out in full force to monitor traffic violations in hopes of reducing motor vehicle collisions.

Colonel Glenn M. McNeill Jr., Commander of the North Carolina State Highway Patrol, and Erik A. Hooks, Secretary of the Department of Public Safety, presented several members and a retiree with awards in a ceremony today.

Governor Roy Cooper today announced that financial assistance is available through the U.S. Small Business Administration for residents affected by storms that struck Watauga and surrounding counties last month.

Inmate Terry Poole (#0694086) died Tuesday evening at Lanesboro Correctional Institution after an apparent suicide. He was found unresponsive in his cell at about 6:20 p.m. Prison medical staff and local paramedics responded and worked to resuscitate the inmate, but were unsuccessful.