Click on category to go to the Flickr album to download graphics. Each category contains multiple graphics for that topic in both English and Spanish. Weather Graphics Flooding Flooding, Flash Flood, Flooded Vehicles, Turn Around Hurricane, Storm Surge & Rip Currents Categories, terms & safety tips Extreme Weather Lightning, Tornadoes, Heat & Landslides Winter Safety Tips for home, driving, pets & more Safety Messages Safety Tips Food, Power Lines, Carbon Monoxide, Chain Saw, etc. Beware Of/Caution Burning, Mold, Insects, Scams, Hazardous Materials, etc. Preparedness & Recovery Preparedness Emergency Kit & Plans, Fuel Conservation tips Evacuations Know Your Zone - English Graphics Evacuaciones Conozca Su Zona - Spanish Graphics Immediate Disaster Recovery Disaster Donations, Helpful Hints, What to bring to a shelter Long Term Disaster Recovery Clean up, Food Assistance, Transitional Sheltering, etc. Other Materials Hurricane Guide NC Hurricane Guide: English & Spanish Know Your Zone Digital Toolkit & Materials Key messages Hurricane Season during the COVID-19 pandemic