NC Boxing and Combat Sports Commission


The North Carolina Boxing and Combat Sports Commission (NCBCSC) seeks excellence in its governance of combative sports in North Carolina. Through the implementation of rules and regulations that provide a fair, safe and professional environment for combative athletes to perform and compete.


The North Carolina Boxing and Combat Sports Commission is charged with the issuance of participants licensing, rules for the sanctioning and regulation of the conduct, promotion, and performances of all live Boxing, Mixed Martial Arts, Kick-Boxing, Tough Man Contest and exhibitions, whether professional, amateur, or sanctioned amateur events throughout North Carolina.

The North Carolina Boxing and Combat Sports Commission is dedicated to working with all our shareholders to enhance the health and safety of all participants through ethical and professional standards. 

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Update on all Amateur Combative Sports weigh-ins

The North Carolina Boxing and Combat Sports Commission held its quarterly meeting on March 6 and voted to change all Amateur Combative Sports weigh-ins from same day to the day before. However, this change has to go through the Rules Review Commission before being implemented. We will keep you updated on the process and when it becomes official. We appreciate your patience during this rule change.

North Carolina Boxing and Combat Sports Commission

Monitoring, managing and
regulating boxing in North Carolina

2609 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 203
Raleigh, NC 27604

Contact Information

Phone: (984) 297-1107
Fax: (919) 715-3065

4235 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699