Latest News from the NC Boxing Commission
The NC Boxing Authority is now the NC Boxing Commission
During the last quarter of 2019, the NC Boxing Authority became the NC Boxing Commission through legislative action by the NC General Assembly.
The former Boxing Authority acted in an advisory capacity within the Department of Public Safety and worked in correlation with the ALE agency. The formation of the NC Boxing Commission replaces the Boxing Authority switching it from an advisory authority to an independent agency. The creation of an independent Commission that still works in correlation with enforcement agents with ALE allows the Commission the ability to formulate and adopt rules and policies in a more efficient manner to serve the fight community in North Carolina.
There have been challenges with the transition. COVID-19 emerged shortly after this change and still impacts event plans across the state. Our budget is still being considered as well though we hope it will be finalized during the 2021 session.
NCBCSC Referee Larry Carter obtains 2nd Degree Black Belt
June 4, 2024

Referee Larry Carter on obtained his 2nd Degree Black Belt from the legendary Royce Gracie. Larry has worked extremely hard to obtain this great milestone. His ability and knowledge of Jiu Jitsu only enhances his ability in the cage to be a successful ref. We are fortunate to have a Referee of his caliber in our family.
NCBCSC Referee Bill Clancy inducted into the National Boxing Hall of Fame
December 7, 2023

The North Carolina Boxing and Combat Sports Commission is pleased to announce that our referee, Bill Clancy, has been inducted into the National Boxing Hall of Fame. On April 28, 2024, Clancy will be formally inducted as a member of the 2024 Class in Montebello, California.
Clancy has distinguished himself as an outstanding boxing referee throughout North Carolina, the United States and internationally. Boxing has been enriched by his ability to keep a level playing field through his expert judgment as a referee. His skills, approach, and performance as a referee have contributed positively to the development of the sport.

It is with great pleasure that the North Carolina Boxing and Combat Sports Commission congratulates Bill Clancy on his induction into the National Boxing Hall of Fame. Job well done!