Season Four

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NCDPS has a robust internship program that offers professional experience for students in a variety of majors. Hear from the department's internship coordinator and a past intern to learn more about careers in the public sector and how to make the most of your time as a student intern.


Around 1,600 state troopers monitor more than 80,000 miles of roadway across North Carolina. These troopers perform hundreds of thousands of traffic stops every year and respond to countless additional requests for service. In this episode, two members of the NC State Highway Patrol answer multiple "What do I do if..." questions about vehicles and NC roadways. From fenders benders and flat tires to seeing those blue lights flash behind you, First Sergeant Chris Knox and Sergeant Marcus Bethea detail steps you can take to respond properly and, most importantly, stay safe.

Season Three

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For the first episode of season three, we are shining the spotlight on an initiative that is relatively new to the department but making great strides throughout the state. Brandy McKoy, the director of the Task Force for Racial Equity in Criminal Justice, shares the history of the group since it was established in 2020 and the different ways it is pursuing the goal to ensure a fair and equitable criminal justice system for all in North Carolina. Throughout this episode, she dives into how the task force has evolved over the years, what was accomplished in 2023 and what lies on the horizon.

Resources mentioned in this episode:


For Women's History Month, we're shining a spotlight on a few talented women in leadership roles in the Division of Emergency Management. Traditionally, the fields of public safety and emergency management have been filled by individuals who are predominantly white, male and former military. But there has been progress towards greater diversity.

In this episode, we are proud to introduce Robin Brown, Area 10 coordinator; Jazel Mayes, accounts payable manager; and Sarah Robison, Risk Management Program coordinator. Hear their stories about what it's like working in emergency management and the advice they share for women seeking professional roles in public safety.

Get details about the HERricane Experience.


The Division of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention with the North Carolina Department of Public Safety is committed to the reduction and prevention of juvenile delinquency by effectively intervening, educating and treating youth. This Safety Scoop episode, we'll home in on the community programs section of the division, which provides a comprehensive strategy to help prevent and reduce juvenile crime and delinquency through non-residential and residential contracted programs. This is part one of a two-part series on JJDP community programs.


In this episode, we get to speak with Contract Administrator Jonelle Guilianelli, who describes her role with the community programs section and expands on what it's like managing parterships across the state for justice-involved youth. Joining Jonelle is Ken Perry, who works for an organization mentioned several times in part one: Methodist Home for Children. Together, they share uplifting stories of strength, communities coming together and how setbacks have been transformed into successes.

This is part two of a two-part series on JJDP community programs.

Resources mentioned in this episode:


May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and North Carolina public safety professionals and first responders have a resource at their fingertips to assist with mental health services. The Responder Assistance Initiative, or RAI, meets the needs of North Carolinians by providing a sustainable continuum of wellness resources that connects North Carolina first responders to an integrated safety net of peer teams and trusted professionals. In this episode, I am joined by two mental health professionals: Jodi Salamino and Doctor Lindsay Allotey. Together, they outline the myriad of confidential and free services available for those who need it and have taken the first step in asking for help.


In this episode of the Safety Scoop, we get to hear from two members of the State Highway Patrol's Caisson Unit on site at their barn in the small town of Stedman. Learn more about the history of the unit since it was started in 2006 and how its members and horses have honored first responders and law enforcement professionals who have fallen in the line of duty.

Additional resources:


Started in 2004 by a small group of innovative North Carolinians, the Helicopter Aquatic Rescue Team, or NC HART, celebrated its 20th anniversary earlier this year. Now comprised of 30 technicians from across 12 different agencies across the state, the NC HART team provides lifesaving missions across our state and beyond. In this episode of the Safety Scoop, you'll hear from several longstanding members of the team, to include Chris Bailey, NCEM emergency services coordinator; Brevard Fire Chief Bobby Cooper and CW5 Micheal Young, NC National Guard.


It's time for a cyber health checkup! In this episode of the Safety Scoop, two members of NCEM's Homeland Security Section share the types of threats that exist across the digital landscape in 2024 and how you can not only protect yourself from bad actors, but also recognize potential schemes and scams. Michael Greer and Christopher Chappell have decades of experience in cybersecurity and provide listeners with actionable steps on how to stay safe.


For this episode of the Safety Scoop, we travel to Cabarrus Juvenile Detention Center to hear from three youth in secure custody who were part of new programming that was rolled out over the summer. These three individuals (identified in the episode as C, K and T) were enrolled with nine of their peers in an eight-week digital media class. You'll also hear from facility staff who provide context to the new partnership between the Beattie's Ford Road Vocational Trade Center and Cabarrus JDC and why they felt it was important to expand course offerings for the juveniles in their care.


Across the nation, there are teams of volunteers that are specially trained to assist during emergencies. Whether it's checking vitals of responders or survivors, answering phones, directing traffic or assisting with training, Community Emergency Response Team members are equipped with the knowledge and skills to help when needed. In this episode, we hear from the Division of Emergency Management's CERT Program Manager Samantha Royster to learn about these teams active across North Carolina and the role they played during the Hurricane Helene response.


Greg Hauser, NC Emergency Management communications branch manager, joins this episode of the Safety Scoop to tell his team's Helene response story. He shares enlightening details on the "magic" that goes on behind the scenes that keeps connectivity operational across the state for all individuals and the critical task of keeping tower lights blinking.

Season Two

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In this episode, we discuss how the Alcohol Law Enforcement Division is combatting the use of fake IDs across North Carolina. Listen Special Agent Brian White details the devastating consequences of fake ID use and underage drinking, as well as how outlets that sell alcoholic beverages can assist in stopping this trend in their communities.


The North Carolina State Fair takes place every October and brings in around one million people. Many state agencies contribute to putting on the show that is the state fair, but one detail that may be overlooked by many fair goers is the effort that goes into ensuring the fair is a safe event. State Capitol Police Chief Chip Hawley has been working fair security in different roles since 1985. In this podcast, you'll hear him recount his duties over the years and how the NC State Fair security team achieves the mission of protecting everyone on the fairgrounds.

William Ray was appointed director of North Carolina Emergency Management in August of 2021. With a little more than a year under his belt as director, we checked in with him to get his take on the last year of responding to and preparing for the various hazards North Carolina faces. In this podcast, you'll get the inside scoop on how emergency management staff manage their day-to-day tasks (whether during "blue skies" or at the height of an emergency), goals for 2023 and what inspires Director Ray every day as he carries out his duties at the State Emergency Operations Center.


This episode's guest, Persia Payne-Hurley, is the private sector manager and Business Emergency Operation Center coordinator. Since starting with NC Emergency Management in 2014, Persia has been tasked with not only building the state's first Business Emergency Operation Center, but also coordinating with the thousands of private sector partners. Her work with the BEOC is nationally recognized, and Persia's passion for her job can't be hidden. In this interview, you'll get Persia's take on what went on behind the scenes of setting up the BEOC, what it takes to organize commodities in the middle of a disaster and how private sector companies can assist with NCEM's mission across the state.


Content Warning: This episode's topic includes conversations where abduction, violence, human trafficking and death is mentioned or alluded to.

The North Carolina Center for Missing Persons was created in 1985. Since then, the center has worked with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies to locate missing individuals and reunite them with their loved ones. In this episode, we sit down with the center's director, Nona Everett, to discuss her decades-long career in this role. Nona shares resources and expert tips on what to do if a loved one isn't where they should be.


Content Warning: This episode's topic includes conversations about active assailant situations, including individuals with firearms on school campuses, as well as details about tactical training that prepares members of law enforcement for these situations.

To create a true culture of prevention, protection and preparedness, DPS prioritizes school safety as a core initiative. On top of other ongoing initiatives throughout the department, Samarcand Training Academy, which is located in Jackson Springs, recently welcomed the Center for Safer Schools into a newly renovated academic building that will serve as a temporary facility for on-site crisis prevention training. Hear from Samarcand Director Matthew Rebuck as he outlines this partnership and the facility expansion that will broaden the scope of training offered in North Carolina.


The Helping Enhance Autism Response Training, or "HEART," program was established in 2020 and has since reached communities across the state. Learn more about how this program got started, why it is important for law enforcement/first responders and how it is shaping the department's outreach initiatives moving forward. This episode's guests include Cassandra Skinner-Hoekstra, chief deputy secretary of administration, and autism advocate, speaker and author Dennis Debbaudt. Both guests have children on the spectrum and share their individual experiences as caregivers and members of the HEART team.


Before anyone in the state of North Carolina can claim the title of "trooper," they must first undergo the rigorous Basic Patrol School. Weeks of physical and mental challenges, learning new skills, overcoming obstacles and the heightened sense of teamwork all leads to the end goal--taking the oath, pinning on the badge and driving away in the recognizable black-and-silver cruiser. In this episode of the Safety Scoop, we go behind the scenes to learn the process of selecting, training and supporting aspiring members of the NC State Highway Patrol. Guests include Basic Patrol School staff, recruitment and two cadets in the 158th Basic School class. Listen now to hear what cadets experience from the first phase of the application up to the point they walk across the stage at graduation.


Calling all job seekers, graduates and those interested in joining the public sector and everyone in between. The North Carolina Department of Public Safety is hiring and offers a stable environment for job seekers. With dozens of career paths spanning from working with justice-involved youth, emergency management, law enforcement, telecommunications, administration, project management and more, there is an opportunity for anyone to pursue what they are passionate about. In this episode, Employment Specialist Faith Riggsbee provides us with her insider tips on how candidates can stand out from the application period through the interview process.

If you're applying for a job with NCDPS, don't miss out on Faith's "cheat sheet" for applicants.


This mini-episode of Safety Scoop walks listeners through a checklist of items for the Atlantic Hurricane Season that was built out by emergency management professionals to ensure the people of NC are weather ready.


The Private Protective Services Board is celebrating 50 years of providing licensing, education and training for private protective services throughout the state. In this episode of the Safety Scoop, Paul Sherwin, director of PPSB, shares his thoughts on how the board has evolved and what he envisions the coming years will be like. Listen to our conversation as he shares details that may be unknown to people outside the private security industry on how the board provides oversight and regulatory functions within this space.


Several Safety Scoop podcasts have been dedicated to sharing information about hurricane and severe weather preparedness, and this episode is no different. In this episode, we discuss evacuations and the Know Your Zone initiative with guests Katie Webster and Diana Thomas.

Resources mentioned in this episode:


Another mini-episode of the Safety Scoop, this time focusing on earthquake preparedness. Most of the southeast can and have experienced earthquakes, and North Carolina has had several notable earthquakes that date back to the 1700s. Podcast guests Laura Youngmand and Kevin Kalbaugh share earthquake facts and things to remember when the ground shakes. The Great ShakeOut Drill takes place on October 19, 2023. Sign up to participate at

Resources mentioned in this episode:


November is Critical Infrastructure Security and Resiliency Month, but what does that really mean for you and me? In this Safety Scoop episode, Critical Infrastructure Specialist Rachel McGrath gives us a peek behind the curtain of how her section within the Division of Emergency Management responds to all hazards, as well as the work and collaboration that goes into protecting the nation's 16 critical infrastructure sectors.


Two staff members of the Governor's Crime Commission (GCC) join us in our final Safety Scoop episode of 2023 to discuss how changes to the Victims of Crime Acts (VOCA) funding may impact organizations that help victims of crime recover and rebuild their lives. As they answer questions, guests Caroline Farmer and Sandy Dixon look to the future and share how GCC plans to move forward with federal funds provided.

Season One

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On December 1st, 2019, North Carolina became the latest state to "Raise the Age," ensuring that most non-violent criminal charges will be heard in the juvenile system, not in the adult criminal system. How will this legislation make a difference for children, and what are the impacts and costs to others? In this episode, we sit down with DPS Deputy Secretary William Lassiter to discuss how Raise the Age will be rolled out across the state, as well as the anticipated benefits and costs.


Between ongoing prison reform efforts, implementing "Raise the Age" legislation, responding to and recovering from hurricanes and adding two new divisions, 2019 has been an extremely busy year for NCDPS. What's being done to improve safety in our prisons, and how is the state helping hurricane victims recover?


It's the second-largest criminal enterprise in the world, and North Carolina ranks in the top ten states for reports of this illegal activity. Listen to see what the Tar Heel State is doing to prevent human trafficking and what we all can do to help the thousands of women, children and men who are sold each year. In this episode, we are joined by NCDPS Chief Deputy Secretary Pam Cashwell, NCSHP Trooper D.A. Cuff and SBI Special Agent in Charge Carl Wall.


North Carolina is subject to numerous hazards, whether they are natural or manmade. Hazard mitigation is meant to lessen the severity of the impact experiences by individuals during events such as hurricanes, fires, floods, cyber attacks, chemical spills or others. Steve McGugan, NCEM assistant director, and Jason Pleasant, hazard mitigation development manager, review how past disasters have led to current hazard mitigation efforts by the state and how North Carolina is continuing to improve these mitigation efforts through grant funding. If you're curious about the disaster recovery process, especially when it comes to hurricane recovery, you'll want to give this episode a listen.


In June 2019, Todd Ishee was appointed commisisoner of prisons by NDPS Secretary Erik A. Hooks. With 30 years of correctional experience, Commissioner Ishee made it a priority to acquaint himself with all operating facilities across the state, as well as the staff. This episode not only introduces the commissioner, but also dives into the state of NC prisons and ongoing prison reform efforts.


Listen to three NCDPS leaders talk about who inspired them and the heritage that shaped them as they reflect on their heritage as African Americans. Hear Chief Deputy Secretary Cassandra Hoekstra, Colonel Glenn McNeill and Maxine Evans-Armwood share personal stories about the role models who guided them and what they hope their legacy will be.


Your vote matters! Hear what North Carolina officials are doing to protect the integrity of our elections and what you need to do to make your vote count. North Carolina State Board of Election's Patrick Gannon, NC National Guard CIO Lt. Col. Robert Felicio and NC Emergency Management Chief of Staff Will Ray discuss how local, state and federal officials are collaborating to secure our elections.


March is Women's History Month, and DPS is celebrating the women who uphold the department's mission across North Carolina. In this episode, we are speaking with the first woman to achieve the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the NC State Highway Patrol. Twenty-two years after starting her career as a trooper and 40 years after the first female trooper joined the patrol, Lt. Col. Donna Carter shares her insight on what it's like to be a woman in law enforcement and how the NCSHP has evolved over her tenure.


March is Women's History Month, and DPS is celebrating the women who uphold the department's mission across North Carolina. In this episode, we speak with Alchol Law Enforcement Assistant Director for Administration Angela Hayes, who is the first woman to serve as part of ALE's leadership team. Hayes shares how she became interested in a role in ALE and more about her experience as a woman in law enforcement.


This special edition of the DPS Safety Scoop was recorded on April 8, 2020. In this episode, Commissioner of Prisons Todd Ishee and Deputy Commissioner Brande Harris discuss how the Division of Prisons prepared DPS prison facilities to fight against the spread of COVID-19 and the mitigation actions taken by staff across the state. Working alongside the Governor's Coronavirus Task Force, more than three dozen different measures have been taken to protect correctional staff and offenders from COVID-19.


North Carolina's Department of Public Safety is charged with keeping the public safe, while also protecting its employees and those in the department's custody. This spring, the COVID-19 pandemic prompted prison officials to being looking at ways within the secretary's authority to reduce the prison population. One of those ways involves transitioning select individuals to serve their remaining sentence under supervision through the Extended Limits of Confinement initiative. Find out who is eligible, how many have been selected and what else NCDPS is doing to keep our communities safe.


Hear what North Carolina's prisons have been doing in 2020 to protect staff and offenders during the pandemic. And find out how the state plans to enhance safety, upgrade technology and improve offender rehabilitation in the coming months and years.


NC Emergency Management meteorologists Kevin Kalbaugh and Diana Thomas and NC State Highway Patrol Sergeant Marcus Bethea discuss how North Carolinians can prepare for winter weather in their homes and vehicles. Knowing what to do before severe weather hits is an important part of being weather ready, especially in the wintertime.


DPS is hiring! Learn about the diverse professions and abundant career opportunities found within the Department of Public Safety. DPS recruiters Kevin Whitaker, Stephanie Bridgers, Joy Brown and Melissa Thames discuss benefits, tips for filling out applications, internships, opportunities for veterans and more.


Severe Weather Preparedness week is an annual safety informational campaign that takes place around the change of the seasons in March. The purpose is to educate North Carolinians on the impacts of safety concerns aligned with severe weather that typically happens in the springtime: thunderstorms, lightning, tornadoes and flooding. NC Emergency Management meteorologists Kevin Kalbaugh and Laura Silver share their knowledge of severe weather and the safest way to react if severe weather is happening around you, no matter where you are.


Hurricane season is here, and now is the time to make sure you are prepared in case North Carolina experiences impacts from one of these powerful storms. Many NC residents and visitors have seen the power and destruction of hurricanes firsthand and have experienced the hazards associated with them. NC Emergency Management meteorologists Kevin Kalbaugh and Laura Silver join us to talk through the natural hazards associated with hurricanes and how to be weather ready before, during and after a storm. NCEM Human Services Branch Manager Sandi Brigders joins Safety Scoop for the first time to dive into what families can do to make sure they are prepared before a storm and how to build an emergency preparedness plan that fits your family's needs.

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