Press Releases

After years of disturbances and a long history of drug violations, a recent murder and numerous calls to the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office, this community should soon see long awaited changes.

The State Highway Patrol swore in 21 new troopers at a ceremony held for the 156th Basic Highway Patrol School.  The ceremony ended 25 weeks of demanding courses aimed at preparing these new troopers for a meaningful career of service to the state of North Carolina.  

The American Correctional Association has awarded accreditation to the Lincoln Correctional Center, a high achievement and another step toward full accreditation of the North Carolina prison system.
The American Correctional Association has awarded accreditation to the Wilkes Correctional Center, a high achievement and another step toward full accreditation of the North Carolina prison system.

Following an ALE investigation, a Greensboro nightclub’s ABC permits have been summarily suspended after a patron was shot and killed.  

El Programa Portafolio de Resiliencia Regional, consulte aquí, de la Administración de Recuperación y Resiliencia de Carolina del Norte (NCORR), en asociación con los Concejos de Gobierno, solicita comentarios públicos respecto al texto preliminar de las Evaluaciones Regionales de Vulnerabilidad por Cambio Climático y Peligros Naturales, las cuales guiarán los planes de desarrollo de resiliencia comunitaria.
The N.C. Office of Recovery Resiliency (NCORR) Regional Resilience Portfolio Program, in partnership with four councils of governments, is requesting public feedback on draft regional Climate Change and Natural Hazards Vulnerability Assessments, which will guide plans for building community resilience.
Agosto es el Mes de Preparación, por lo que el gobernador Roy Cooper anima a personas, familias, planteles escolares y empresas a que revisen sus planes de respuesta a emergencias y a que actualicen su juego de suministros necesarios.

Two adults have been charged following an ALE investigation into a vehicle crash involving a teen driver.