Hazard Mitigation Plan Input

North Carolina Emergency Management has completed a draft of the required 5-year update of the Enhanced State Hazard Mitigation Plan.
The plan is required by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 as a condition for receipt of certain Federal Disaster Relief and Hazard Mitigation Funds and contains a description of the planning process, a risk assessment including hazard analysis and hazard history for the natural hazards that impact North Carolina, a discussion of the state’s capacities to address natural hazards and disasters, a set of goals, strategies and measures designed to reduce the impacts of the identified hazards and a section describing the maintenance and update process for the plan. The requirements for this plan are promulgated in the 44 Code of Federal Regulations Sections 201.5 and 201.6.
Review the 2023 State Hazard Mitigation Plan draft
NCEM welcomes your review and comments on the draft plan as we begin our own internal review prior to submitting the plan to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for final review and approval. This plan addresses a broad spectrum of issues at a state level; more detailed descriptions of hazard risks, impacts and mitigation solutions are identified in Regional Hazard Mitigation Plans covering each of the 100 counties and approximately 556 municipalities in North Carolina.
Use the form below to submit comments or input on the proposed plan by October 14, 2022. Please be specific in your comments and indicate a section or page number from the plan to which your comments correspond. Comments received will be noted in the plan update and as feasible within the confines of the plan requirements will be addressed in this update, or noted for inclusion in future updates or amendments to the plan.