Risk Management Program (CAA 112r)

The Risk Management Program (RMP) includes a set of facilities under the Emergency Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA) that have extremely toxic or flammable hazardous substances used in a single process. Due to the hazardous nature, facilities implement chemical accident prevention methods and partner with local responders and Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC) to identify the potential effects of a chemical accident, steps the facility is taking to prevent an accident, and plan emergency response procedures should an accident occur.

Local responders and LEPCs coordinating with facilities may provide additional insight on community resources available. Coordination meetings may also identify gaps between facility and community response leading to improved response programs for both entities. 

There are 140 112(r) regulated substances, 77 extremely toxic and 63 extremely flammable substances. Facilities using these substances in a single process and where the quantity exceeds the threshold quantity (TQ), must submit a risk management plan to the EPA through RMP*eSubmit. Additionally, since 112(r) TQ quantities far exceed EPCRA’s TPQs, 112(r) facilities are required to submit an annual Tier II report for all substances on site that exceed the EPCRA TPQ and have a SDS. 

Facilities above the threshold quantity can find guidance on completing hazard assessments and developing RMPs from the North Carolina Division of Air Quality Chemical Accident Prevention Program.

Facility Program Level Flowchart

RMP facilities fall under different program levels depending on the type of chemical stored and if a chemical release could travel outside the facility boundary. Facilities also have different emergency planning requirements if that are a non-responding versus a responding facility.

Program levels under 40 Code of Federal Regulation Part 68, Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions are listed on the facility’s Environmental Protection Agency Risk Management Plan by process chemical. The program levels are:
•    Program Level 1: No significant off-site release within the past 5 years, no off-site consequences.
•    Program Level 2: Worst case release has off-site consequences with public receptors.
•    Program Level 3: Worst case release has off-site consequences with public receptors and the facility is subject to OSHA Process Safety Management (PSM).

North Carolina is a “delegated authority” state, therefore, all municipal water and wastewater plants that file a risk management plan are automatically Program Level 3, which has the most stringent requirements.  

Facility Due Dates for Emergency Planning 

Local responders and emergency managers may partner with facilities to complete emergency planning and exercise activities. The facility is responsible for maintaining the documentation of coordination activities. 

Local responders may be asked to verify coordination activities and provide support on notification exercises, after action reporting for exercises and/or releases, and public meetings in the event of a chemical release that goes off the facility property.

December 19, 2019 RMP Final Rule

Activity to Complete Due Date

Develop Emergency Response Program

Chemical, Quantity, Resource and Capabilities

Within three years of owner or operator determining that facility is subject to the provisions

Annual Coordination Requirements

-Updates to Community ERP

March 14, 2018

Facilities shall coordinate response needs with local emergency planning and response organizations annually and more frequently if necessary. 

Public Meeting

(Post offsite impact release)

After March 15, 2021, The facility shall hold a public meeting within 90 days of any RMP reportable accident with known offsite impacts (§ 68.210(b)).
Develop exercise plans and schedules – facility ER staff, contractors

December 19, 2023

Frequency determined by coordination with facility and local emergency response officials

Conduct first annual notification exercise

December 19, 2024

Notification exercises. At least once each calendar year, the owner or operator of a facility with any Program 2 or Program 3 process shall conduct an exercise of the facility’s emergency response notification mechanisms 

Conduct first field exercise 

-simulated accidental release

According to the exercise schedule established by the owner or operator in coordination with local response agencies

Conduct first tabletop exercise

-simulated accidental release

December 21, 2026

Frequency at minimum every 3 years

89 FR 17685, Mar. 11, 2024 RMP Final Rule

Effective on May 10, 2024

Activity to Complete Due Date

Conduct First Field Exercise 

(responding facilities with hazmat techs/response equip)

March 15, 2027, or within 10 years of the date of an emergency response field exercise conducted between March 15, 2017, and August 31, 2022; frequency at minimum once every ten years.

Public Notification Procedures

Emergency response provisions in 

§ 68.90(b) and 68.95(a) 

Program Levels 2 and 3

May 10, 2027 The facility maintains and implements procedures for informing the public and the appropriate local, state, and federal emergency response agencies about accidental releases and partnering with these response agencies to ensure that a community notification system is in place.
Public Information Requests May 10, 2027, Availability of information provisions in § 68.210(d) through (h)
Air Monitors Backup Power Source May 10, 2027, Standby or backup power for detection of accidental releases from RMP chemical processes 
Emergency Response Exercises Documentation The owner or operator shall prepare an evaluation report within 90 days of each field and tabletop exercise. 

Additional Information

Tab/Accordion Items

The facility must document coordination with local authorities, including: The names of individuals involved and their contact information (phone number, email address, and organizational affiliations); dates of coordination activities; and nature of coordination activities.

Facilities must coordinate at a minimum annually, with increased frequency agreed on by the local responders and the facility. The purpose of the annual coordination is to allow facilities to update and discuss the information being provided to local authorities, and to allow local authorities to provide facilities with updated information on how the source is addressed in the community emergency response plan. The forum for coordination meetings is left up to the discretion of the owner or operator and local response authorities.

The coordination meeting should address changes to hazardous substance source, emergency plans, contact information and any information necessary for developing and implementing the local community emergency response plan.

Facilities may be responding or non-responding facilities, meaning they are either equipped with hazardous response teams and equipment or they are not equipped and rely on outside resources such as local responders or have an emergency response and clean-up contractor.

Non-Responding Facility means employees will not respond to accidental releases. The facility is responsible for evacuating employees and coordinating response plans with local emergency responders. The facility must ensure that local responders or hired contractors will be prepared to respond to an emergency at the facility.

Responding Facility means designated employees or responders are properly trained and equipped with personal protection equipment and monitoring devices to respond to accidental releases of a hazardous regulated substances (the facility implements an emergency response program under OSHA’s HAZOPER standard).

A non-responding facility must have an Emergency Action Plan in place while a responding facility must have an Emergency Response Plan in place. All water facilities must have their emergency plans in accordance with America's Water Infrastructure Act.



Requirement Emergency Action Plan Emergency Response Plan
Procedures for reporting a fire or other emergency


Procedures for emergency evacuation, including type of evacuation and exit route assignments


Procedures to be followed by employees who remain to operate critical plant operations before they evacuate


Procedures to account for all employees after evacuation


Procedures to be followed by employees performing rescue or medical duties


The name or job title of every employee who may be contacted by employees who need more information about the plan or an explanation of their duties under the plan


Inform the public and the appropriate Federal, state, and local emergency response agencies about accidental releases  


Document first-aid and emergency medical treatment needed if exposed  


Procedures for emergency response after an accidental release  


Procedures for the use of emergency response equipment and for its inspection, testing, and maintenance  


Facilities may be responding or non-responding facilities, meaning they are either equipped with hazardous response teams and equipment or they are not equipped and rely on outside resources such as local responders or have an emergency response and clean-up contractor.

Non-Responding Facility means employees will not respond to accidental releases. The facility is responsible for evacuating employees and coordinating response plans with local emergency responders. The facility must ensure that local responders or hired contractors will be prepared to respond to an emergency at the facility.

Responding Facility means designated employees or responders are properly trained and equipped with personal protection equipment and monitoring devices to respond to accidental releases of a hazardous regulated substances (the facility implements an emergency response program under OSHA’s HAZOPER standard).

A non-responding facility must have an Emergency Action Plan in place while a responding facility must have an Emergency Response Plan in place. All water facilities must have their emergency plans in accordance with America's Water Infrastructure Act.

Requirement Emergency Action Plan Emergency Response Plan
Procedures for reporting a fire or other emergency


Procedures for emergency evacuation, including type of evacuation and exit route assignments


Procedures to be followed by employees who remain to operate critical plant operations before they evacuate


Procedures to account for all employees after evacuation


Procedures to be followed by employees performing rescue or medical duties


The name or job title of every employee who may be contacted by employees who need more information about the plan or an explanation of their duties under the plan


Inform the public and the appropriate Federal, state, and local emergency response agencies about accidental releases  


Document first-aid and emergency medical treatment needed if exposed  


Procedures for emergency response after an accidental release  


Procedures for the use of emergency response equipment and for its inspection, testing, and maintenance  


Emergency Exercise Response Requirements by Program Level

A Risk Management Program facility is required to include the following items depending on their program level, located on the facility EPA RMP Report, Section 1. Registration Information under Process Chemical.

Local responders and emergency managers may partner with the facility to plan and conduct exercises. The Regional Response Teams are available by request through the local emergency management office to participate in planning and exercises.


Start Date


Program 1

Program 2

Program 3

All Facilities
Facilities complete annual emergency response coordination with local responders 03/14/2018 §68.10(b)



Facilities with toxic substances must be included in the community emergency response plan Chemical onsite §68.12(b)(3)




Facilities with flammable substances must coordinate with local fire department(s) Chemical onsite §68.12(b)(3)




Annual Notification Exercises 12/19/2024 §68.96(a)  



Non-Responding Facility - Will not respond to accidental release
Emergency Action Plan Chemical onsite §1910.38  



Appropriate mechanisms are in place to notify emergency responders when there is a need for a response Chemical onsite §68.90(b)(3)  



Responding Facility - Will respond to accidental release
Implement an emergency response program (OSHA’s HAZWOPER standard 29 CFR 1910.120) Chemical onsite §68.95



Emergency Response Exercise Program (written)
Field and Table Top Exercises
12/19/2023 §68.96(b)  



Emergency Response Exercise Program – Report Exercises Completed 12/19/2024 §68.10(f)  



Table Top Exercises - Conduct 12/21/2026 §68.96(b)(2)  



10-Year Field Exercise - Conduct 3/15/2027 §68.96(b)(1)(ii)  



Emergency Response Exercise Program

Written program was due December 19, 2023, for responding facilities.

The owner or operator shall consult with local emergency response officials to establish an appropriate exercise type (tabletop, field, full scale, etc.) and appropriate frequency. The Emergency Response Exercise Program Shall Include:

  • The exercise type - The exercises are to involve the simulated accidental release of a regulated substance (if a facility has both toxic and flammable regulated substances, it is recommended to exercise scenarios for both substances separately or jointly if it is possible for one process release to impact the other process).
  • Frequency - Establish an appropriate frequency for field exercises (annual, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year, etc.).
  • Scope – Exercise plan shall involve tests of the source's emergency response plan, including deployment of emergency response personnel and equipment.
  • Documentation - Prepare an evaluation report within 90 days of each field and tabletop exercise. The report should include:
    • A description of the exercise scenario;
    • Names and organizations of each participant;
    • An evaluation of the exercise results including lessons learned;
    • Recommendations for improvement or revisions to the emergency response exercise program and emergency response program; and

A schedule to promptly address and resolve recommendations.

Any facility where extremely hazardous substances are present in any quantity, are subject to the General Duty Clause (GDC), CAA Section 112(r)(1).  GDC is a performance-based authority recognizing that owner/operators have a general duty and responsibility to prevent and mitigate accidental chemical releases.

Facilities with extremely hazardous substance or risk management program chemicals are required under EPCRA and General Duty to provide information requested by local responders for community emergency planning. See the Emergency Response and Action Plan Reviews under NCEM Risk Management Program Emergency Coordination Checklists.

General Duty Clause under the Clean Air Act Section 112(r)(1) | Risk Management Plan (RMP) Rule | US EPA

Members of the public may obtain copies of RMPs (without the off-site consequence analysis (OCA) information) by visiting https://cdxapps.epa.gov/olem-rmp-pds/ or requesting them from EPA in writing (including by email). Members of the public may also read, but not copy, the OCA sections of RMPs in Federal Reading Rooms.

For information on Federal Reading Rooms, visit EPA Federal Readings Rooms for Risk Management. North Carolina’s reading rooms are located in Asheville, Greensboro and Raleigh at the United States Department of Justice.

By May 10, 2027, facilities are to have the following information readily available to the public:

  • Accident history information – 5 years
  • Emergency response program
  • Response status
  • Name and phone number of local emergency response organizations
  • Public notification procedures
  • List of scheduled exercises
  • LEPC contact information
  • Declined recommendations and justifications from hazard analysis
  • Language Translation – English + 2 most common community languages
  • Notification of availability of information
  • Access to community preparedness info

Risk Management Program Resources

NCEM Emergency Response Coordination Under the 112r Risk Management Program  – A Summary of coordination requirements between facilities and local responders

NCEM Risk Management Program Emergency Coordination Checklists – Guidance for reviewing facility emergency plans and support during accidental releases

NCEM Emergency Planning and Response – Guides, best practices and templates for emergency planning at hazardous substance facilities

EPA Emergency Response Program – Guidance for facilities and local emergency responders and LEPCs on planning and preparing for a hazardous substance release

EPA RMP Guidance on Public Communication  – Guidance for public meetings after an accidental chemical release

EPA's Consolidated List of Lists  – Threshold Quantities. Note: RMP facilities may be subject to Section 302 & Section 312 filing requirements

RMP*eSubmit User Manual  – How to file

Risk Management Plan (RMP) Rule  – Rule explanation

North Carolina Division of Air Quality  – Chemical Accident Prevention Program

NC DOL Process Safety Management – North Carolina Occupational Safety and Health has adopted the following standards applicable to process safety management.

OSHA Process Safety Management – Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Process Safety Management


For information on emergency planning and response at RMP facilities contact:

The EPCRA Helpdesk EPCRA@ncdps.gov