Topics Related to Recovery

La tribu Coharie recientemente firmó un acuerdo de participación en un proyecto comunitario de enfoque en huellas de inundaciones, financiado por NCORR y dirigido por CDDL

The Coharie Tribe recently signed an agreement to participate in a community floodprint project, which is being funded by the N.C. Office of Recovery and Resiliency and led by the N.C. State Coastal Dynamics Design Lab.

Los norcarolinianos que hayan sufrido el impacto de los huracanes Matthew o Florence tienen hasta las 5 pm del viernes 21 de abril para hacer la solicitud al Programa ReBuild NC.

North Carolinians whose homes were impacted by hurricanes Matthew or Florence have until 5 p.m. Friday, April 21 to apply for the ReBuild NC Homeowner Recovery Program.

The N.C. Office of Recovery and Resiliency (NCORR) is accepting public comments through Wednesday, May 3 on a proposed amendment to the action plan for administering HUD Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery funds in areas of the state impacted by Tropical Storm Fred.

El próximo viernes 21 de abril, a las 5 pm, se cerrará el plazo de solicitud del Programa de Recuperación de Propietarios de Vivienda ReBuild NC; el programa cuenta con fondos federales disponibles asignados a solicitudes ahora en procesamiento y a las que se espera lleguen la próxima semana.

The application period for the ReBuild NC Homeowner Recovery Program will close at 5 p.m. Friday, April 21, with available federal funding committed to applications currently in process and those expected in the weeks ahead.

The N.C. Department of Public Safety today announced the appointment of Richard J. Trumper as Senior Advisor for Disaster Recovery.

La Oficina de Recuperación y Resiliencia de Carolina del Norte está aceptando comentarios públicos hasta el lunes 9 de enero sobre las enmiendas propuestas a dos planes de acción para administrar los fondos de Subvención en bloque para el desarrollo comunitario-Recuperación de desastres, HUD Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR), en áreas del estado afectadas por los huracanes Matthew y Florence.

The N.C. Office of Recovery and Resiliency is accepting public comments through Monday, Jan. 9 on proposed amendments to two action plans for administering HUD Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery funds in areas of the state impacted by hurricanes Matthew and Florence.