Frequently Asked Questions
- I’m a registered/licensed security guard in another state. Is my registration/license transferable to N.C.?
- No. Out-of-state security guard credentials are not valid in N.C.
- What is the status of my registration application?
- An application’s status may be checked on the company’s Permitium Dashboard. A company’s qualifying agent or approved designee has access to the Permitium Dashboard.
- Can you send me my guard card? Or can I pick it up?
- No. Guard cards are property of the company a guard works for and are mailed to the company’s mailing address.
- How do I get registered as a security guard?
- The company a guard works for is responsible for submitting a registration application on behalf of the guard. Individuals cannot submit their own registration applications.
- What’s the difference between a license and a registration?
- A license is typically issued to a company executive and authorizes a company to provide private protective services in N.C. A registration is typically issued to an employee who works for the license holder—such as a security guard.
- What registration application documents need to be mailed to the office?
- Just the completed FD-258 fingerprint card and a copy of the registration application receipt from Permitium. All other documents should be uploaded to the application.
- How do I renew a registration?
- The company a guard works for is responsible for renewing a registration. Individuals cannot renew their own registrations.
- What documents are required to apply for a new registration?
- An online registration application, with the following documents attached: A digital photograph, a criminal record check by, a completed FD-258 fingerprint card (mail to PPS office), an Authority for Release of Information (Fingerprints) form, a completed Registration Affidavit and Public Notice Statement form, required training certificates (16 hours for unarmed guards and 20 hours for armed guards), as applicable.
- How do I transfer an unarmed security guard registration?
- The company the guard is transferring to needs the guard’s current Registrant ID number and BPN. This information is printed on each registration ID card. If the card is not available, email to request this information.
- How do I dual an armed security guard registration?
- A dual armed registration application is submitted via the Permitium Dashboard. A standard dual expires when the guard’s current armed registration expires. A dual 1-year expires one year from when the dual 1-year application is submitted.
- How long does it take to become registered?
- Most registration applications are processed within 45 days of submission and ID cards are mailed within 60 days of submission. New registrations may take longer to process due to the time it takes the N.C. SBI to process a fingerprint check.
- How much does it cost to become registered?
- A new unarmed security guard registration application costs $68, plus processing fees. A new armed security guard registration costs $83, plus processing fees.
- How do I request my records?
- Submit a public records request.
- What are the training requirements to obtain a registration?
- Unarmed security guards must complete a 16-hour course. Armed security guards must complete the 16-hour unarmed course and the 20-hour armed guard course. A searchable list of Board-certified trainers is available here.
- What is a designee and how do I appoint one?
- A designee is an employee who a company’s qualifying agent has appointed to assist with submitting and tracking registration applications. A designee must maintain an active registration while serving as a designee. A designee application may be submitted by the qualifying agent via the Permitium Dashboard. There is no cost to appoint a designee, nor is there a limit to the number of designees a qualifying agent may have.
- What is the difference between a “dual” and a “dual 1-year” armed registration?
- A dual expires when the guard’s current armed registration expires. A dual 1-year expires one year from when the dual 1-year application is submitted. Notably, a dual 1-year application must be accompanied by a firearms training certificate that is less than 180 days old.
- Am I required to submit my fingerprints to apply?
- All new registrations require a completed FD-258 fingerprint card with the application. A fingerprint card is not required for registration renewals.
- How do I contact (CRC)?
- Go here.
- How do I contact Permitium?
- Go here.
- Do I have to register a security guard who worked only a few days and then quit?
- Yes. Guards must be registered within 30 days of beginning employment—even if their employment is terminated within the first 30 days.
- How do I use probationary unarmed security guards?
- Companies may hire probationary unarmed security guards and work them for 20 consecutive calendar days before being required to register the guard. Any person worked as a probationary employee must be listed on a probationary roster that is submitted to PPS each month probationary employees are used.
- My registration expired. Now what?
- An unarmed security guard registration may be renewed up to 90 days late, with a late fee of $25. An armed security guard registration cannot be renewed late. If an armed security guard registration expires, a new application must be submitted, to include the 20-hour armed security guard course and a fingerprint card.
- What kind of firearm(s) can a registered armed guard carry on duty?
- The following firearms may be carried on duty: a standard revolver from .32 caliber to .357 caliber; a standard semi-automatic pistol from .354 caliber to .45 caliber; any standard 12-gauge shotgun; or any standard semi-automatic or bolt action .223, .308, 5.56 X 45 mm NATO caliber, or any rifle with a standard handgun caliber of .32 to .357 or .354 to .45.
- What kind of non-lethal weapons or tools can a security guard carry on duty?
- The N.C. PPSB does not regulate non-lethal weapons or tools. Therefore, a security guard may carry any non-lethal weapon or tool that is authorized by their employer.
- Can I carry my personal firearm while on duty?
- Yes, under the following conditions: (1) The guard is registered as an armed security guard; (2) The weapon is leased to the guard’s employer (74C-13(b)(2)); and (3) The weapon’s caliber is authorized in Rule .0809.
- I was recently charged with a crime. Do I need to report it?
- Reporting all criminal charges is encouraged. However, reporting is required only in certain circumstances: (1) Crimes that have as an essential element dishonesty, deceit, fraud, or misrepresentation; (2) Illegal use, possession, sale, manufacture, distribution, or transportation of a controlled substance, drug, narcotic, or alcoholic beverage; (3) Illegal use, carrying, or possession of a firearm; (4) Acts involving assault; (5) Acts involving unlawful breaking or entering, burglary, or larceny.
- Can I be registered with more than one company at a time?
- Yes. Security guards may be registered with an unlimited number of companies.
- How do I apply for a license?
- Visit our Apply for a License page for information about the license application process.
- How much does a license cost, and how long do I have to pay for it?
- The fee to apply for a license is $188 (plus fees). If approved, the fee to receive your license is $550 (plus fees). You have 60 days from the date of approval to pay your license issuance fee.
- How do I pay for my license?
- Payment is made by credit using the Permitium Order Tracker.
- How long does it take to obtain a license?
- Typically, 3-4 months.
- How do I access the Permitium Dashboard?
- Go here. The Permitium Dashboard is available to licensed persons only.
- Can my license application fees be refunded if I don’t get approved for a license?
- No. License application fees are non-refundable.
- Can I get a temporary license if my employer needs me to start right away?
- Requests for a temporary license are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Contact us at for more information.
- What kind of experience or training do I need to qualify for a license?
- The experience and training needed to qualify for a license depends on the license type being applied for. Review the applicable training and experience requirements in the Board’s administrative rules.
- What kind of documentation do I need to show my experience as a licensee in another state?
- A Letter of Good Standing that shows your dates of licensure from every date in which you are licensed.
- I’m licensed in another state. Will N.C. accept my license using reciprocity?
- Limited reciprocity agreements exist for private investigators and polygraph examiners who will be in N.C. temporarily for a specific case. You cannot obtain a license in N.C. using reciprocity.
- How many continuing education (CE) hours do I need to renew or reinstate my license?
- You must obtain 12 hours of CE during each 2-year license period. Continuing education hours cannot be “carried over” from previous license periods. Online, on-demand courses are limited to six hours. There is no limit to in-person classes, or classes that are offered virtually with live instruction.
- Can I take all my continuing education (CE) courses online?
- Online, on-demand courses are limited to six hours. There is no limit to in-person classes, or classes that are offered virtually with live instruction.
- Can I use Livescan to submit my fingerprints electronically?
- Yes, with the following limitations: You must be an N.C. resident and must have your fingerprints taken at a N.C. law enforcement agency. In addition, you must use the Livescan Fingerprint Packet. Contact us at to request the packet.
- What’s the difference between a license and a registration?
- A license is typically issued to a company executive and authorizes a company to provide private protective services in N.C. A registration is typically issued to an employee who works for the license holder—such as a security guard.
- What license application documents need to be mailed to the office?
- Just the completed FD-258 fingerprint card and a copy of your Permitium license application payment receipt. All other files should be attached to the online application.
- How do I request my records?
- Submit a public records request.
- What is a designee and how do I appoint one?
- A designee is an employee who a company’s qualifying agent has appointed to assist with submitting and tracking registration applications. A designee must maintain an active registration while serving as a designee. A designee application may be submitted by the qualifying agent via the Permitium Dashboard. There is no cost to appoint a designee, nor is there a limit to the number of designees a qualifying agent may have.
- Am I required to submit my fingerprints to apply?
- Yes. Please mail the completed FD-258 fingerprint card and a copy of your Permitium license application payment receipt to the PPS office.
- How do I contact (CRC)?
- Go here.
- How do I contact Permitium?
- Go here.
- My license expired. Now what?
- A license may be renewed up to 90 days late, with a $100 late fee. After 90 days has passed, a license may be reinstated up to three years after the expiration date.
- Can I solicit or advertise for my business before getting my license?
- No. State law (N.C.G.S. 74C) requires persons or firms to be licensed before engaging in advertising activity.
- I was recently charged with a crime. Do I need to report it to the Board?
- Reporting all criminal charges is encouraged. However, reporting is required only in certain circumstances: (1) Crimes that have as an essential element dishonesty, deceit, fraud, or misrepresentation; (2) Illegal use, possession, sale, manufacture, distribution, or transportation of a controlled substance, drug, narcotic, or alcoholic beverage; (3) Illegal use, carrying, or possession of a firearm; (4) Acts involving assault; (5) Acts involving unlawful breaking or entering, burglary, or larceny.
- Can I be licensed with more than one company at a time?
- Yes. There is no limit to the number of companies a person may be licensed with. However, you must submit a request and be approved for each additional company you wish to be licensed with. In addition, there is a $500 license fee for each additional company.
- What is a qualifying agent?
- The Qualifying Agent is the individual licensee who is responsible for the private protective services business. If the licensee maintains an office in North Carolina, the Qualifying Agent must be a resident of North Carolina.
Continuing Education
- Is CE required for a new license?
- No. Continuing education is required for license renewals and reinstatements only.
- Is CE required to renew a license?
- Yes. Twelve hours of CE is required to renew a license.
- How many hours of CE do I need to renew my license?
- Twelve hours.
- Can I take my CE online?
- A maximum of six hours of CE may be obtained from online, asynchronous courses.
- There is no limit to the number of hours that may be obtained from in-person instruction or online synchronous courses.
- Where can I find a list of approved CE courses?
- Here.
- What qualifies for continuing education?
- Attending a Board-approved CE course
- Attending a Board meeting (two hours of CE, with a maximum of eight hours per license period)
- Attending Board-provided industry training (four hours of CE, usually offered following the March and September Board meetings)
- Attend a conference, seminar, or training event provided by a Board-approved organization
- Attend a professionally relevant conference, seminar, or training event and obtain one-time approval from the Director for CE credit
- Complete qualifying higher education classes (see administrative rule 14B NCAC 16 .1203(f))
- How do I register for the Unarmed Guard Trainer Course?
- The company’s qualifying agent must submit an Unarmed Guard Trainer (New) application via their Permitium Dashboard. If the application is approved, PPS staff will register the applicant for the course and the qualifying agent and applicant will receive further instructions by email.
- How do I register for the Firearms Trainer Course?
- The company’s qualifying agent must submit a Firearms Trainer (New) application via their Permitium Dashboard. If the application is approved, PPS staff will register the applicant for the course and the qualifying agent and applicant will receive further instructions by email.
- What are the requirements to become an unarmed guard trainer?
- Applicants must have a minimum of one year of experience in security with a contract security company or proprietary security organization, or one year of experience with any federal, state, county or municipal law enforcement agency and successfully complete a 40-hour training course.
- What are the requirements to become a firearms trainer?
- Applicants must have a minimum of one year of experience in security with a contract security company or proprietary security organization, or one year of experience with any federal, state, county or municipal law enforcement agency; possess an Unarmed Guard Trainer Certification; and successfully complete a 32-hour training course.
- I have an unarmed trainer certification from another entity or state. Will the PPSB accept it?
- The PPSB will accept a Criminal Justice General Instructor Certificate from the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission; or the Director may accept any training certification that meets or exceeds the requirements found in 14B NCAC 16 .0909. If using this exception, the applicant must still attend an 8-hour course on PPSB trainer rules and regulations.
- I have a firearms trainer certification from another entity or state. Will the PPSB accept it?
- The PPSB will accept a current Criminal Justice Specialized Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor Certificate from the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission. If using this exception, the applicant must still attend an 8-hour course on PPSB trainer rules and regulations.
- How often does a trainer certification need to be renewed?
- Every two years.
- What happens if my trainer certification expires?
- Once a trainer certification expires, it cannot be renewed. The trainer must apply for a new certification and successfully complete the required trainer courses.
- I’m looking for a trainer. Where can I find one?
- Use our Certified Trainer Search to locate one in your area.
- How can I find out when trainer courses are being held?
- Check the Trainer Certification webpage. Upcoming courses are listed there.
- How do I file a complaint?
- Please visit the complaints page.
- Does the Board investigate alleged Code of Conduct violations or ethics complaints?
- No. The Board’s jurisdiction is limited to its law (NCGS 74C) and its administrative rules. There is no Code of Conduct or ethical standards those licensed with the Board are required to adhere to.
- What is the Board’s jurisdiction?
- The Board’s jurisdiction is limited to activities within North Carolina, and to its law (NCGS 74C) and administrative rules.
- I was recently charged with a crime. Do I need to report it to the Board?
- Reporting all criminal charges is encouraged. However, reporting is required only in certain circumstances: (1) Crimes that have as an essential element dishonesty, deceit, fraud, or misrepresentation; (2) Illegal use, possession, sale, manufacture, distribution, or transportation of a controlled substance, drug, narcotic, or alcoholic beverage; (3) Illegal use, carrying, or possession of a firearm; (4) Acts involving assault; (5) Acts involving unlawful breaking or entering, burglary, or larceny.
- What can the Board do to someone who has violated its laws or rules?
- The Board may find a violation and choose to impose no penalty. If a penalty is imposed, however, the Board has several options, including: issue a letter of reprimand; suspend or revoke a license, registration or certification; or assess a monetary civil penalty. The Board may also agree to enter into a settlement agreement with the licensee, registrant, or certified trainer. The Board’s ability to impose a penalty against someone who is not licensed or registered with the Board is limited to issuing cease-and-desist orders and obtaining an injunction (court order) that orders an unlicensed or unregistered person to stop providing private protective services.
- How long does a complaint investigation take?
- Typically, 2-4 months.
- Can I submit an anonymous complaint?
- Yes, but the complaint allegation(s) must constitute a threat to the public health, safety, and welfare, as determined by the Director. Anonymous complaints that do not constitute a threat to the public health, safety, and welfare will not be investigated.
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