Press Releases

On Wednesday, February 5, 2025, the North Carolina Alcohol Law Enforcement Division (ALE), with assistance from the Four Oaks Police Department, executed a search warrant at Tobacco and Vape Four Oaks Convenient St

After prolonged and continuous criminal violations, homicides, and community complaints, Robeson County Sheriff Burnis Wilkins solicited support from the Alcohol Law Enforcement Division to

As much of the coastal, eastern, and central regions of North Carolina experienced snow and record cold temperatures, Governor Stein and emergency management officials are continuing to urge the public to exercise caution. 
The North Carolina State Capitol Police is seeking national law enforcement accreditation through the Commission on Law Enforcement for Accreditation (CALEA).
Ya que gran parte de las regiones costeras, este y centro de Carolina del Norte pasaron por nevadas y temperaturas frías récord, Gob. Stein y funcionarios de manejo de emergencias continúan instando a ejercer precaución.
La Policía del Capitolio Estatal de NC busca obtener la acreditación nacional como autoridad del orden público a través de la Comisión CALEA.
Today, Governor Josh Stein and Director of Emergency Management Will Ray held a press conference to provide updates and guidance on winter weather.