Press Releases

The N.C. Office of Recovery and Resiliency is accepting public comments through Dec. 8 on a proposed amendment to the action plan for administering HUD Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery funds in areas of Haywood County that were impacted by Tropical Storm Fred and Hurricane Helene.
Governor Roy Cooper is encouraging North Carolinians to plan and prepare ahead of the winter season that could bring potentially dangerous winter weather as Winter Weather Preparedness Week begins.
Ante el comienzo de la Semana de Preparación para el Tiempo Invernal, el Gob. Roy Cooper anima a norcarolinianos a planificar y prepararse anticipadamente para afrontar la temporada invernal, la cual podría traer condiciones potencialmente peligrosas.
Tyrone Sutton has been named facility director at Pitt Regional Juvenile Detention Center. Sutton began his Juvenile Justice career in 2014 as a youth behavior specialist at Dobbs Youth Development Center.
As the holiday season approaches, the North Carolina Center for Missing Persons is reminding all residents that leaving children unattended in vehicles, even for a moment, can have devastating consequences.
A medida que se acerca la temporada navideña, el Centro de Carolina del Norte para Personas Extraviadas recuerda a todos los habitantes que, dejar a niños desatendidos en un vehículo, aún si es por un momento, puede traer consecuencias devastadoras.
Bre’Anie Sanders has been named facility director at Edgecombe Youth Development Center in Rocky Mount. Sanders began her career with the Division of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention in 2019 as a youth services behavioral specialist at Edgecombe YDC.
Keonya M. Williams has been named director at New Hanover Regional Juvenile Detention Center in Castle Hayne. Williams began her career with the Division of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention in 2021 as a youth counselor technician after working as a program leader at Camp Lejune for 11 years.