
Tab/Accordion Items

Annual county databooks allow one to find and download data by county on offenses, admissions to facilities and community programs, supervision cases, and more. 

County Databooks 2004-2023

2021-2025     2023 Databook 2022 Databook 2021 Databook
2016-2020 2020 Databook 2019 Databook 2018 Databook 2017 Databook 2016 Databook
2011-2015 2015 Databook 2014 Databook 2013 Databook 2012 Databook 2011 Databook
2006-2010 2010 Databook 2009 Databook 2008 Databook 2007 Databook 2006 Databook
2004-2005 2005 Databook 2004 Databook      

Databooks are organized by County, District, and area for each of the following:

Juvenile Population Data
Juveniles Ages 6 to 17
Juveniles Ages 6 to 15
Juveniles Ages 10 to 17

Complaints Received:
Violent –Felony A-E
Serious – Felony H-I, A1 Misdemeanor
Minor – Misdemeanor Class 1, 2, or 3
Total Delinquent Complaints
Total Complaints
Delinquent Rate
Undisciplined Rate
Number of Juveniles Transferred to Superior Court (trial as Adult)

Distinct Juveniles Served in Detention
Number of Detention Admissions 

Youth Development Centers
Number of Commitments
Commitment Rate 

JCPC Admissions 
SOS Admissions 
Eckerd Camp Admission 

YDC Statistics
Commitments grouped by County, Race and Gender 
Commitments by County, Race and Age

Data Dashboards

Tab/Accordion Items


Tab/Accordion Items

Research Requests

To make a research proposal, please view the research guidelines and timeline.